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2022 Summer Waterskiing Registration
Please complete the following form to participate in one of our waterskiing events. This form is to be completed at the start of the season and updated when information changes. Please contact the office at or call 203-426-0666 with any questions.
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Email *
Participant's First Name *
Participant's Last Name *
Are you active military, retired, veteran, or reserves? *
Date of Birth *
Gender *
Weight (approximate) *
Height *
Mailing Address *
Email address *
Please note that we send pertinent information via email.  Please check your emails regularly to stay up to date.
Phone number *
What is the participant's disability? *
Please list any and all limitations that may prevent participant from partaking in a conventional water ski program.
Emergency contact information *
Be sure to include the contact's name and relationship to the participant
Emergency Contact Phone # *
Participant's primary physician and contact information. *
Please include physician's name and phone number.
Athlete's Authorization/Release of Liability. I know of no reason why my participation in these or any sporting events provided should be exceptionally or unusually hazardous.  I have full considered the risk that I may be physically injured as I prepare and participate in these events and I assume such risk.  I intend this to be a complete release and discharge of all persons as well as any corporate entities having anything to do with this event and I intend hereby to release and forever discharge said persons from all liability whatsoever.  I have read all of the statements contained herein and I fully realize that I am signing complete release and bar to any further claims which I may have resulting from my participation in these events. *
Electronic Signature (you agree your electronic signature is the legal equivalent of your manual signature)
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