What is teenagers' knowledge and attitude towards the Sexual Orientation Discrimination Ordinance and their reasons behind their opinion
Hi everyone! I am a Secondary 6 student and I am now conducting a questionnaire for my Independent Enquiry Study (IES). My IES and this questionnaire would be about Hong Kong teenagers’ knowledge and attitude towards the legislation against Discrimination on the Grounds of Sexual Orientation and their reasons behind their opinion. Please spare a few minutes to complete the questionnaire. All data collected will only be used in my project and kept strictly confidential.

大家好, 本人就讀中五, 現正為通識教育科的獨立專題探究進行有關香港青少年對《性傾向歧視條例》的意見的問卷調查。此問卷的對象是十二至六十五歲的香港市民,希望你能用數分鐘完成問卷。問卷所得的數據只會供此專題探究所用,並將絕對保密。



The intention of legislation against Discrimination on the Grounds of Sexual Orientation, also known as SODO, is to protect people from being treated differently due to their difference in sexual orientations.

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Your Gender 你的性別: *
Your age 你的年齡: *
Your sexual orientation 你的性傾向: *
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