Application form for NGO Programme Launching Conference
Thank you for your interest to participate at NGO Programme Launching Conference in Poland on 18-19 September 2013. This application form is for Norwegian organisations only.

In order to complete your application, we kindly ask you to fill the following form by 15 August 2013.
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First Name: *
Last name: *
Position/ role in the organisation *
Motivation to attend the event: *
During the conference, I would like to participate in the following partnership workshop *
1) Civic participation - activities designed to engage citizens in public life, increase participation in public policy making and decision-making on issues relevant to neighbourhoods, communities, cities and the whole country 2) Public scrutiny – activities aimed at public scrutiny of functioning of public institutions and institutions of public trust, improving their transparency and compliance with good governance 3) Combating discrimination – initiatives designed to protect human rights / women rights, prevent and fight xenophobia, homophobia, racism, anti-Semitism and all types of discrimination on the basis of race, religion, ethnicity, gender or sexual orientation 4) Counteracting exclusion – initiatives aiming at extending the scope and forms of support for vulnerable groups at risk of social exclusion and engaging these groups in decision-making with regard to the most relevant forms and methods of service provision 5) Children and youth – initiatives aiming at the promotion of civic attitudes and application of civil rights in daily life, increasing alertness to intolerance and discrimination and counteracting vulnerabilities, exclusion and marginalisation
I could also consider attending the following workshop (2nd choice)
Organisation’s name: *
Organisation’s acronym
Organisation's Address:
Telephone *
Email address *
Description of the organization (maximum 50 words): *
Theme(s) covered by the organization:
Approximate travel costs
Any other information?
(Dietary requirements etc.)
If you don't have a partner yet, what kind of parter are you looking for? What kind of projects are you interested in?
Do you have partners in Poland already? If so, please include their name, organisation and contact details here.
The following is expected from you 1) Presentation of your organisation during the workshop 2) Meeting with the interested Polish NGO partners during the matchmaking event 3) Filling in an evaluation form after the event 4) Reporting upon request on the project partnership(s) created with Polish NGOs.
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