A. Extremely Good
B. Good
C. Average
D. Poor
Q.1. Depth of syllabus content is
Q.2. The internal evaluation system as it exists is
Q.3. The entire syllabus is completed in time
Q.4. Interest generated by Teacher regarding syllabus is
Q.5. Modern teaching aids, power point presentations, web-resources,
Q.6. How helpful was the teacher in advising?
Q.7. The teachers encourage participation and discussion in class
Q.8. The evaluation process is fair and unbiased:
Q.9. Assignment and grading criteria are clearly explained
Q.10. Policies regarding due dates and submission of assignments are
Q.11. The teachers guide the students for overall personality development of the student
Q.12. Arrangement of Guest lectures and Seminars.
Q.13. Is The Learning environment is positive, inclusive and open discussions are encouraged?
Q.14. Is the Departmental office helpful in administrative matters?
Q.15. What is your opinion about library holdings for the syllabus of your course?
Q.16. Your grievances are redressed / problems are solved well in time
Q.17. The functioning of the placement cell in the college is satisfactory
Q.18. Separate common rooms for girls Are?
Q.19. The classrooms are clean and well maintained