Dear Secretary of State,
We write as academics to urge the government to implement the remaining provisions of Higher Education (Freedom of Speech) Act (HEFOSA), which were due to come into force on 1 August 2024.
We think that HEFOSA is a vitally important piece of legislation. Free speech duties on universities have long been neglected, despite being enshrined in law. The Act provides two mechanisms for enforcing those duties: an Office for Students complaints scheme, and a new right to make claims for losses suffered as a result of compliance failures. These mechanisms offer protection for academics and students who would otherwise have no access to justice except through a costly and gruelling Employment Tribunal. Their future is now in jeopardy.
Your case for halting commencement of HEFOSA was based on two claims, both open to question. First, you said that the Act would be “burdensome on providers”. One might think that some financial burden on universities was an acceptable price to pay for academic freedom. But leaving that aside, it is simply not true that the Act would be burdensome on providers. A 2022 Department for Education impact assessment put the cost of compliance with the Act at £4.7 million – small change compared, for instance, to the £550 million English universities spent on Access and Participation in 2020-21. The Act would also save universities money on court costs, by providing a speedy and efficient way of resolving what would otherwise be protracted legal disputes.
Second, the Department for Education has expressed concern that HEFOSA “could protect those using hate speech on campuses, and that it could also push providers to overlook the safety and well-being of minority groups, including Jewish students”. This concern is understandable, but misplaced. English law already provides strong protections against harassment and incitement to hatred, which override free speech rights. And it is hard to see how the Act could threaten the safety of minority groups, unless “safety” is understood as an inner feeling of security, in which sense it cannot, morally or in law, override the right to free speech. Incidentally, the Act does not oblige universities to tolerate anti-Semites or to give a platform to Holocaust deniers, as has frequently been claimed. It does, however, protect freedoms which Jewish staff and students have particular reason to appreciate. “At a time when Jewish students have been experiencing increasing hostility on campus”, writes Prof. David Abulafia, “the Act offers the guarantee they need that universities will recover their role as the home of civilised debate in which they and their invited guests can express their own opinions without fear of intimidation.”
The decision to halt HEFOSA appears to reflect the view, widespread among opponents of the Act, that there is no “free speech problem” in UK universities, that the very idea of such a problem is a fiction put about to divert attention from bigger issues. Nothing could be more false. Hundreds of academics and students have been hounded, censured, silenced or even sacked over the last 20 years for the expression of legal opinions, as AFAF’s “banned list” and CAF’s “threats to freedom” monitor both show. And these documented cases are only the tip of the iceberg; the widespread silencing of viewpoints is incalculable. A report published earlier this year by the Academic Freedom Index placed the UK sixty-sixth in the global league table of academic freedom, lower than Peru, Burkina Faso and Georgia. This state of affairs has serious consequences for all of us. The suppression of university research into the effects of puberty blockers facilitated one of the great medical scandals of our age, as the Cass Review makes clear.
Academics and students of all persuasions need the protection afforded by the Freedom of Speech Act. We are happy to meet with you to discuss our concerns.
Yours sincerely,
Edward Skidelsky, director of the Committee for Academic Freedom
Dennis Hayes, director of Academics For Academic Freedom
Lucinda Platt, founder member of the London Universities' Council for Academic Freedom
William Mackesy, director of Alumni for Free Speech.
1. Stephen Warren, Professor of Astrophysics, Imperial College London
2. Gregory Sporton, Director of Research, DCDI, University of Westminster
3. Jonathan Jones, Professor of Physics, University of Oxford
4. Adam Hedgecoe, Professor of Sociology, Cardiff University
5. John Armstrong, Reader in Financial Mathematics, King's College London
6. Julius Grower, Associate Professor of Law, University of Oxford
7. Alice Sullivan, Professor of Sociology, University College London
8. Lord Robert Skidelsky FBA, Emeritus Professor of Political Economy, University of Warwick
9. Iain McGilchrist, Quondam Fellow, All Souls College, University of Oxford
10. Karl Travis, Reader in Computational Physics, University of Sheffield
11. David Wootton, Emeritus Anniversary Professor of History, University of York
12. John Marenbon FBA, Honorary Professor of Medieval Philosophy, University of Cambridge
13. Robert Laverick, Lecturer in Chemistry, University of Leeds
14. Susan Hogan, Professor of Arts & Health, University of Derby
15. Richard Dawkins FRS, Emeritus Professor for the Public Understanding of Science, University of Oxford
16. David Paton, Professor of Industrial Economics, University of Nottingham
17. Christopher Fear, Lecturer in Politics, University of Hull
18. Andrew Tettenborn, Professor of Commercial Law, University of Swansea
19. Robert Tombs, Emeritus Professor of French History, University of Cambridge
20. Lindsey A. Davidson, Lecturer in Jewish Studies, University of Bristol
21. Jan Flaherty, Researcher in Sociology, Nottingham Trent University
22. Andrew Denis, Emeritus Fellow in Political Economy, City St George's, University of London
23. Jacob Phillips, Professor of Systematic Theology, St Mary's University, Twickenham
24. Jo Mockeridge, Senior Lecturer in Applied Criminology, Canterbury Christ Church University
25. Lee Grieveson, Professor of Media History, University College London
26. Gale Macleod, Professor of Education, University of Edinburgh
27. David Parrott, Professor of Early Modern History, University of Oxford
28. Perdita Stevens, Professor of Mathematics of Software Engineering, University of Edinburgh
29. Jo Phoenix, Professor of Criminology, University of Reading
30. Philip Booth, Professor of Finance, Public Policy and Ethics, St. Mary's University
31. Andrew Lincoln, Emeritus Professor of New Testament, University of Gloucestershire
32. Jeff McMahan, Sekyra and White's Professor of Moral Philosophy, University of Oxford
33. Philip Hammond, Emeritus Professor of Media & Communications, London South Bank University
34. Richard Rex, Professor of Reformation History, University of Cambridge
35. Tim Luckhurst, Professor, Durham University
36. Clive Hambler, Lecturer in Biology, University of Oxford
37. Maryam Aldossari, Senior Lecturer in HRM & Organisation Studies, Royal Holloway, University of London
38. Bysshe Inigo Coffey, Lecturer in English, University of Oxford
39. Douglas Hedley, Professor of the Philosophy of Religion, University of Cambridge
40. David Smith, Reader in Social Policy, Anglia Ruskin University
41. Jonathan Morgan, Professor of English Law, University of Cambridge
42. Nigel Biggar CBE, Emeritus Regius Professor of Moral Theology, University of Oxford
43. Daniele Fanelli, Assistant Professor of Social Research Methods, Heriot-Watt University
44. John Fitzpatrick, Emeritus Professor of Law, University of Kent
45. Iain McPhee, Senior Lecturer in Social Science, University of the West of Scotland
46. Eleni Tracada, Senior Lecturer in Built Environment, University of Derby
47. Tina Beattie, Emerita Professor of Catholic Studies, University of Roehampton
48. Matt Beech, Reader in Politics and Director of the Centre for British Politics, University of Hull
49. J. C. D. Clark, Quondam Fellow, All Souls College, University of Oxford
50. Lola Salem, Lecturer in Music, University of Oxford
51. Geoffrey Alderman, Emeritus Principal, Nelson College London
52. Liron Shmilovits, College Assistant Professor of Law, University of Cambridge
53. Lesley Gourlay, Professor of Education, University College London
54. David Palfreyman, Fellow, New College, Oxford
55. Paula Boddington, Associate Professor of Philosophy and Healthcare, University of West London
56. Cheryl Hudson, Lecturer in US Political History, University of Liverpool
57. Alison Wakefield, Professor of Criminology and Security Studies, University of West London
58. Kevin Hickson, Senior Lecturer in British Politics, University of Liverpool
59. Toby Andrew, Senior Lecturer in Human Genetics, Imperial College London
60. James Orr, Associate Professor of Philosophy of Religion, University of Cambridge
61. Nicholas Joseph, Lecturer in Education, University of Derby
62. Prakash Shah, Reader in Culture and Law, Queen Mary University of London
63. Matthew Brett, Associate Professor of Data Science, The London Interdisciplinary School
64. Jonathan Glover, Emeritus Professor of Medical Ethics, Kings College London
65. Kathleen Richardson, Professor of Ethics and Culture of Robots and AI, De Montfort University
66. Betty Jay, Senior Lecturer in English, Royal Holloway, University of London
67. Adam Swift, Professor of Political Theory, University College London
68. Armand D’Angour, Professor of Classics, University of Oxford
69. David Owens, Professor of Philosophy, Kings College London
70. Ellie Lee, Professor of Family and Parenting Studies, University of Kent
71. Amanda Gosling, Senior Lecturer in Economics, University of Kent
72. T. J. Mawson, Edgar Jones Fellow and Tutor in Philosophy, University of Oxford
73. Doug Stokes, Professor of International Relations, University of Exeter
74. Michael Hauskeller, Professor of Philosophy, University of Liverpool
75. Katherine Hayes, Curriculum Leader, University of the Highlands and Islands
76. Thomas Prosser, Professor of European Political Economy, Cardiff University
77. Richard Heffernan, Reader in Government, The Open University
78. Michael Stewart, Professor of Anthropology, University College London
79. Ian Pace, Professor of Music, Culture and Society, City St George’s, University of London
80. Luke Buchanan-Hodgman, Senior Lecturer in Economics, University of Kent
81. Michael Lewis, Senior Lecturer in Philosophy, Newcastle University
82. Elena Riu, Professor of Piano, Trinity Laban Conservatoire of Music and Dance
83. Laurence Hemming, Honorary Professor of Philosophy, Lancaster University
84. Yan Fyodorov, Professor of Mathematics, King's College London
85. Bettina Friedrich, Research Associate in Epidemiology and Health Care, University College London
86. Chris Martin, Reader in Maritime Security, University of Hull
87. William Poole, Fellow in English, University of Oxford
88. Michael Biggs, Associate Professor of Sociology, University of Oxford
89. Robert A Bowie, Professor of Religion and Worldviews Education, Canterbury Christ Church University
90. Asen Ivanov, Reader in Economics, Queen Mary University of London
91. David de Meza, Eric Sosnow Professor of Management, London School of Economics
92. James Hughes, Professor of Comparative Politics, London School of Economics
93. Joseph Conlon, Professor of Theoretical Physics, University of Oxford
94. James Woudhuysen, Visiting Professor of Forecasting and innovation, London South Bank University
95. Jane Wills FBA, Professor of Geography, University of Exeter
96. Roger Crisp, Professor of Moral Philosophy, University of Oxford
97. Sally Taplin, Visiting Lecturer in Business, Bayes Business School
98. Alison McClean, IFP Subject Lead for Arts and Humanities, University of Bristol
99. Christopher Anderson, Senior Lecturer in Applied Linguistics, Canterbury Christ Church University
100. Peter John Baumbach, Lecturer in Counselling, University of Suffolk
101. Danielle Lamb, Senior Research Fellow in Mental Health, University College London
102. Rita Floyd, Professor of International Security and Ethics, University of Birmingham
103. Robert Crowcroft, Senior Lecturer in History, University of Edinburgh
104. Hannah Quirk, Reader in Criminal Law, King's College London
105. Janet Radcliffe Richards, Professor Emerita of Practical Philosophy, University of Oxford
106. Chloe Oldfield, Lecturer in Psychology, University of Buckingham
107. Chris Brown, Emeritus Professor of International Relations, London School of Economics
108. Diane Reyniers, Professor of Management, London School of Economics
109. Nicholas Shackel, Professor of Philosophy, Cardiff University
110. Sarah Pedersen, Professor of Media and Communication, Robert Gordon University
111. Timothy C. Bates, Professor of Psychology, University of Edinburgh
112. Antony Mullen, Research Associate in Education, University of Exeter
113. Andrew Branch, Senior Lecturer in Media and Communication, University of East London
114. Judith Suissa, Emerita Professor of Philosophy of Education, University College London
115. Jon Swain, Senior Lecturer in Sport Science, Canterbury Christ Church University
116. Russell Keat, Emeritus Professor of Politics, University of Edinburgh
117. Saul Jacka, Professor of Statistics, University of Warwick
118. Ian Cram, Emeritus Professor of Comparative Constitutional Law, University of Leeds
119. Matthew H. Kramer FBA, Professor of Legal & Political Philosophy, University of Cambridge
120. Nalini Vittal, Tutor in Economics, University College London
121. David Webster, Honorary Senior Research Fellow, University of Glasgow
122. Christina Perry, Professor of Law, Queen Mary University of London
123. Steven Connor, Director of Research, Digital Futures Institute King's College, London
124. Austin Williams, Course Leader, Kingston School of Art
125. Peter Ramsay, Professor of Law, London School of Economics
126. Edward Hadas, Research Fellow, University of Oxford
127. Laura Favaro, Visiting Fellow in Sociology, Bournemouth University
128. Sean Broome, Lecturer in Education, University of Derby
129. James Lenman, Professor of Philosophy, University of Sheffield
130. John Clarke, Emeritus Professor of History, University of Buckingham
131. Lesley Semmens, Emerita Lecturer in Computing, Leeds Beckett University
132. Kyriakos N. Kotsoglou, Associate Professor of Law, Northumbria University
133. Kevin Yuill, Emeritus Professor of History, University of Sunderland
134. Simon Gathercole, Professor of New Testament and Early Christianity, University of Cambridge
135. Lindsay Paterson, Professor Emeritus of Education Policy, University of Edinburgh
136. Jane Lightfoot FBA, Professor of Greek Literature, University of Oxford
137. Michelle Shipworth, Associate Professor of Energy & Social Sciences, University College London
138. Abhishek Saha, Professor of Mathematics, Queen Mary University of London
139. Nick Zangwill, Honorary Research Fellow in Philosophy, University College London
140. Lawrence Patihis, Senior Lecturer in Psychology, University of Portsmouth
141. Jennie Bristow, Reader in Sociology, Canterbury Christ Church University
142. Mark Newman, Reader In Education, University College London
143. Nick Hood, Researcher in Education, University of Edinburgh
144. Jacqueline Hill, Lecturer in Law, University of Derby
145. Julian Savulescu, Uehiro Chair in Practical Ethics, University of Oxford
146. Daniel Hadas, Lecturer in Medieval Latin, King's College London
147. Matt Goodwin, Honorary Professor of Politics, University of Kent
148. Stefano Albrecht, Reader in Artificial Intelligence, University of Edinburgh
149. Alexander Weiss, Honorary Professor of Psychology, University of Edinburgh
150. Christopher Thorpe, Senior Lecturer in Sociology, University of Exeter
151. Marie Daouda, Lecturer in French Language and Literature, University of Oxford
152. Lee Jones, Professor of Political Economy, Queen Mary University of London
153. Jess Winkler, Head of Complex Student Casework and Safeguarding , University of Bristol
154. James Keith, Lecturer in Education, Loughborough College
155. Larry Ray, Emeritus Professor of Sociology, University of Kent
156. Richard Bradford, Honorary Senior Research Fellow in Engineering, University of Bristol
157. Chris Newton, Teaching Fellow in Defence Studies, King's College London
158. David Shipworth, Professor of Energy and the Built Environment, University College London
159. William Merrin, Associate Professor of Media and Communication, University of Swansea
160. Jemima Unwin Teji, Lecturer in Light and Lighting, University College London
161. Glen Jeffery, Professor of Neuroscience, University College London
162. David Abulafia CBE FBA, Professor Emeritus of History, Cambridge University
163. David Oderberg, Professor of Philosophy, University of Reading
164. John Milbank, Emeritus Professor of Theology, University of Nottingham
165. Keith Horner, Emeritus Professor of Oral and Maxillofacial Imaging, University of Manchester
166. Anna Sapir Abulafia FBA, Emerita Professor of The Study of the Abrahamic Religions, University of Oxford
167. James Warren, Professor of Ancient Philosophy, University of Cambridge
168. Heather Brunskell-Evans, Emerita Professor of Philosophy, King's College London
169. James Whitley, Professor of Archaeology, Cardiff University
170. John Goldthorpe CBE FBA, Emeritus Professor of Sociology, University of Oxford
171. Roham Alvandi, Associate Professor of International History, London School of Economic
172. Nick Allum, Professor of Research Methodology, University of Essex
173. Henry Shevlin, Associate Director, Leverhulme Centre for the Future of Intelligence, University of Cambridge
174. Simon Miles, Senior Lecturer in Journalism, University of East London
175. Anne Green, Professor of Physics, University of Nottingham
176. Robin Brooker, Lecturer in Sociology, University of Essex
177. Jeffrey Vernon, Faculty Senior Tutor in Medicine, Imperial College London
178. Kris MacMahon, Lecturer in Sport Rehabilitation, London South Bank University
179. Ruth Mieschbuehler, Senior Lecturer in Education, University of Derby
180. Edward Howell, Lecturer in Politics, University of Oxford
181. Chloe Marshall, Emerita Professor of Psychology, University College London
182. Donncha Marron, Lecturer in Sociology, Abertay University
183. Gavin Kelly, Professor of Latin Literature and Roman History, University of Edinburgh
184. Cristina Lafuente, Lecturer in Economics, University of Bath
185. Francesca Ward, Library Supervisor, London School of Economics
186. François Guesnet, Professor of Modern Jewish History, University College London
187. Alwyn Turner, Senior Lecturer in Cultural & Literary History, University of Chichester
188. Susan Pickard, Professor of Sociology, University of Liverpool
189. Andrew Martin, Professor of Systems Security, University of Oxford
190. Alan Sked, Emeritus Professor of International History, London School of Economics
191. Thomas Pink, Professor of Philosophy, King's College London
192. Mark Pennington, Professor of Political Economy, King's College London
193. Sarah Baker, Professor of Psychology, University of Sheffield
194. Vincent Gauci, Professorial Fellow in Geography, University of Birmingham
195. Sir Partha Dasgupta FRS FBA, Frank Ramsey Professor Emeritus of Economics, University of Cambridge
196. Dan Williams, Senior Lecturer in Education, University of Derby
197. Alex Standish, Associate Professor of Geography, University College London
198. Ivan Hewett, Academic Professor, Royal College of Music
199. John Papaloizou, Emeritus Professor of Mathematical Physics, University of Cambridge
200. Stuart Waiton, Senior Lecturer in Sociology and Criminology, Abertay University
201. Georgia Testa, Lecturer in Philosophy, University of Leeds
202. Raymond Tallis, Emeritus Professor of Geriatric Medicine, University of Manchester
203. Kenneth D Harris, Professor of Quantitative Neuroscience, University College London
204. Claire Reddleman, Lecturer in Digital Humanities, University of Manchester
205. Kevin Dowd, Professor of Finance and Economics, Durham University
206. Adrian Pabst, Professor of Politics, University of Kent
207. James Panton, Associate Lecturer in Philosophy, The Open University
208. Alexander Routh, Professor of Colloid Science, University of Cambridge
209. Satoshi Kanazawa, Reader in Management, London School of Economics
210. Keith Willison, Professor of Chemical Biology, Imperial College London
211. Ruth Chang, Professor of Jurisprudence, University of Oxford
212. Tugkan Batu, Assistant Professor of Mathematics, London School of Economics
213. Mark Lilly, Emeritus Professor of English, University of Swansea
214. Anthony Cox, Professor in Clinical Pharmacy and Drug Safety, University of Birmingham
215. Jonathan Rogers, Clinical Lecturer in General Adult Psychiatry, University College London
216. Soljana Çili, Senior Lecturer in Psychology, University of the Arts London
217. Martin Anthony, Professor of Mathematics, LSE
218. Katie Alcock, Senior Lecturer in Psychology, Lancaster University
219. Adrian Hilton, Research Fellow, University of Buckingham
220. Saladin Meckled-Garcia, Associate Professor in Human Rights and Political Theory, University College London
221. Roopal Desai, Clinical Fellow, University College London
222. Norman Strong, Emeritus Professor of Accounting and Finance, University of Manchester
223. Jim Butcher, Reader in Geography, Canterbury Christ Church University
224. Marc Isaacs, Associate Professor of Public Anthropology, University College London
225. Andrew Lawrence, Professor of Psychology, University of Edinburgh
226. David Campbell, Professor of Law, Lancaster University
227. Derek Bryce, Senior Lecturer in Marketing, University of Strathclyde
228. Jessica Evans, Senior Lecturer in Sociology, The Open University
229. John McGowan, Principal Lecturer in Clinical Psychology, Canterbury Christ Church University
230. Abigail Burnyeat, Head of Research, Sabhal Mòr Ostaig, University of the Highlands and Islands
231. Rory Waterman, Associate Professor of Creative Writing and Modern Literature, Nottingham Trent University
232. Jerry Goodenough, Honorary Lecturer in Philosophy, University of East Anglia
233. Anna Maltsev, Senior Lecturer in Applied Probability, Queen Mary University of London
234. Nazar Miheisi, Lecturer in Mathematics, King's College London
235. David Lea-Smith, Associate Professor of Microbiology, University of East Anglia
236. Beatrice Penati, Senior Lecturer in Russian & Eurasian History, University of Liverpool
237. Simon Conway-Morris FRS, Professor of Evolutionary Paleobiology, University of Cambridge
238. Michael McGowan, Visiting Professor of Law, King’s College London
239. Julia Jordan, Associate Professor of English Literature, University College London
240. Simon Newman, Senior Lecturer in Law, University of Westminster
241. Garry Clapton, Honorary Fellow in Social Work, University of Edinburgh
242. Qazi Rahman, Senior Lecturer in Psychology, King's College London
243. Gavin Jarvis, Associate Professor of Analytical Pharmacology, University of Sunderland
244. Mary Morrissey, Associate Professor of Early Modern English Literature, University of Reading
245. Jonathan Hearn, Professor of Political and Historical Sociology, University of Edinburgh
246. Nathan Coombs, Senior Lecturer in Economic Sociology, University of Edinburgh
247. Shereen Benjamin, Senior Lecturer in Education, University of Edinburgh
248. Clive Radford, Senior Lecturer in Music Production, Bournemouth University
249. Johan Bolhuis, Affiliated Lecturer in Psychology, University of Cambridge
250. Arianna Andreangeli, Senior Lecturer in Competition Law, University of Edinburgh
251. Alex Bremner, Professor of Architectural History, University of Edinburgh
252. Tony Sampson, Emeritus Professor in Clinical Pharmacology, University of Southampton
253. Kevin Bardosh, Fellow in Pandemic Evidence Collaboration, University of Oxford
254. Jon Pike, Senior Lecturer in Philosophy, Open University
255. Helen Aberdeen, Senior Lecturer in Education, University of Bristol
256. Shirley Lawes, Honorary Associate Professor of Education, University College Londo
257. András Zsák, College Lecturer in Mathematics, University of Cambridge
258. Simon Anglim, Teaching Fellow in History, King's College London
259. Julian Grail, Senior Lecturer in Enterprise, University of Gloucestershire
260. Alexander Morrison, Fellow and Tutor in History, University of Oxford
261. Peter Sjostedt-Hughes, Lecturer in Philosophy, University of Exeter
262. Jane Askew, Lecturer in Social Sciences and Law, Canterbury Christchurch University
263. James Elander, Professor of Health Psychology, University of Derby
264. Martin Speake, Lecturer in Jazz, Trinity Laban Conservatoire of Music and Dance
265. Maureen O'Hara, Senior Lecturer in Law, Coventry University
266. Siam Bhayro, Associate Professor of Semitic Languages and Jewish Studies, University of Exeter
267. Farhang Tahmasebi, Lecturer in Engineering and Architectural Design, University College London
268. Patrick McGovern, Reader in Sociology, LSE
269. Paul Dennis, Emeritus Professor of Environment Science, University of East Anglia
270. Kathryn Stevens, Associate Professor of Ancient History, University of Oxford
271. John Preston, Professor of Sociology, University of Essex
272. Mathew Bullimore, Professor of Mathematical Physics, Durham University
273. David McGrogan, Associate Professor of Law, University of Northumbria
274. John Baird, Senior Lecturer in Zoology, University of Aberdeen
275. Sacha Stern FBA, Professor of Jewish Studies, University College London
276. Guillaume Conchon—Kerjan, Lecturer in Mathematics, King's College London
277. Karen Ross, Emerita Professor of Gender and Media, Newcastle University
278. Giuliana B. Prato, Honorary Professor of Social Anthropology, University of Kent
279. David Blake, Professor of Finance, City St George's, University of London
280. Andrew Doig, Professor of Biochemistry, University of Manchester
281. Hannah R. Marston, Research Fellow in Digital Health and Wellbeing , The Open University
282. Anesa Hosein, Associate Professor of Higher Education, University of Surrey
283. Vijay Tymms, Principal Teaching Fellow in Physics, Imperial College London
284. Rhianwen Daniel, Lecturer in Philosophy, Cardiff University
285. Andrew Davies, Professor of Modern Social History, University of Liverpool
286. Guy Rowlands, Professor of History, University of St Andrews
287. Michael Ben-Gad, Professor of Economics, City St George's, University of London
288. Mark Williams, Associate Professor of English, University of Oxford
289. Harald Wydra, Professor of Politics, University of Cambridge
290. Richard Ekins KC, Professor of Law and Constitutional Government, University of Oxford
291. Gavin Poynter, Emeritus Professor of Social Sciences, University of East London
292. Douglas Brodie, Professor of Employment Law, University of Strathclyde
293. Jeremy Jennings, Emeritus Professor of Political Theory, King's College London
294. Nicholas O'Shaughnessy, Emeritus Professor of Communication, Queen Mary University of London
295. Stephen Guest, Emeritus Professor of Legal Philosophy, University College London
296. Caspar Hewett, Lecturer in Civil Engineering, Newcastle University
297. Robert Grant, Emeritus Professor of History of Ideas, University of Glasgow
298. Sebastian Monteux, Lecturer in Mental Health Nursing, Abertay University
299. Robert Francis, Lecturer in Creative and Professional Writing, University of Wolverhampton
300. Andi Wang, Assistant Professor of Statistics, University of Warwick
301. Matthew Parry, Senior Lecturer in Teacher Training, University of Derby
302. David Kershaw, Professor of Law, LSE
303. Geraldine Barrett, Principal Research Associate in Reproductive Health, University College London
304. Coel Hellier, Professor of Astrophysics, Keele University
305. Celia Hunt, Emeritus Reader in Continuing Education, University of Sussex
306. Robert Craig, Lecturer in Law, University of Bristol
307. Philip Kinsella, Associate Professor of Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, University of Nottingham
308. James Devlin, Professor of Financial Services, Nottingham Trent University
309. Stuart Scrase, Lecturer in Sociology, University of Exeter
310. Susie Hawkes, Senior Lecturer in Social Work, De Montfort University
311. Gus Cameron, Reader in Biomedical Science Education, University of Bristol
312. Michael Wayne, Professor in Media and Film, Brunel University
313. Deborah Wallis, Reader in Psychology, Birmingham City University
314. Paul Cook, Senior Teaching Fellow in Mathematics, King's College London
315. Vanessa Pupavac, Senior Lecturer in International Relations, University of Nottingham
316. Simon Hulme, Associate Professor of Management, University College London
317. Andrew Lewis-Pye, Professor of Mathematics, LSE
318. Sara Ashencaen Crabtree, Emerita Professor of Social & Cultural Diversity, Bournemouth University
319. Ricardo Almeida, Research Associate in Informatics, University of Edinburgh
320. David Wainwright, Senior Lecturer in Sociology, University of Bath
321. James Boardman, Professor of Neonatal Medicine, University of Edinburgh
322. Guy Major, Senior Lecturer in Neuroscience, Cardiff University
323. Severin Schroeder, Associate Professor of Philosophy, University of Reading
324. Edward Wickham, Associate Lecturer in Music, University of Cambridge
325. Eric Kaufmann, Professor of Politics, University of Buckingham
326. Tracey Logan, Honorary Visiting Fellow in History, University of Leicester
327. Jonathan Crabtree Parker, Vising Professor of Social Work, University of Hertfordshire
328. Richard Norman, Emeritus Professor of Moral Philosophy, University of Kent
329. Devyani Sharma, Professor of Linguistics, Queen Mary University of London
330. Max Munday, Professor of Economics, Cardiff University
331. Colin Mills, Associate Professor of Sociology, University of Oxford
332. David Jeffery, Senior Lecturer in British Politics, University of Liverpool
333. Bijan Omrani, Honorary Associate Research Fellow in Classics, University of Exeter
334. Michael D. Hurley, Professor of Literature and Theology, University of Cambridge
335. Matt Griffin, Professor of Physics and Astronomy, Cardiff University
336. Branko Latinkic, Reader in Developmental Biology, Cardiff University
337. Anita Bunyan, Associate Professor of German, University of Cambridge
338. Bella Vivat, Principal Research Fellow in Anthropology, University College London
339. Lord Andrew Roberts FRHistS, Visiting Professor of History, King's College London
340. Diana Kornbrot, Emerita Professor of Mathematical Psychology, University of Hertfordshire
341. Miguel Moital, Principal Lecturer in Events Management, Bournemouth University
342. Christopher Morris, Teaching fellow in Air and Space Power, University of Portsmouth
343. Lord Bhikhu Parekh FBA, Emeritus Professor of Political Philosophy, University of Westminster
344. John Maloney, Associate Professor of Economics, University of Exeter
345. Graeme Garrard, Professor of Political Thought, Cardiff University
346. James Newton, Lecturer in Film and Media, University of Kent
347. Fiona Cosson, Head of School of Social Sciences, University of Bradford
348. James Forder, Andrew Graham Fellow and Tutor in Political Economy, Balliol College, Oxford
349. John Knight, Academic Developer, Buckinghamshire New University
350. Nathan Skene, Lecturer in Brain Sciences, Imperial College London
351. Lucy Porteous, Senior Teaching Fellow in Social Work, University of Portsmouth
352. Gary Wilson, Senior Lecturer in Law, Liverpool John Moores University
353. Danielle Sinnett, Professor of Sustainable Built Environments, University of the West of England
354. Nicholas Dodd, Professor of Civil Engineering, University of Nottingham
355. Charles Roddie, Fellow in Economics, University of Cambridge
356. Adam Reilly, Lecturer in Private Law, University of Glasgow
357. Greg Currie FBA, Emeritus Professor of Philosophy, University of York
358. John Strawson, Emeritus Professor of Law & Legal Philosophy, University of East London
359. Dennis Patterson, Professor of Legal Philosophy, Surrey University
360. Georgy Kantor, Associate Professor of Ancient History, University of Oxford
361. Jonathan Gershuny CBE FBA, Professor of Economic Sociology, University College London
362. Sergio Bacallado de Lara, Associate Professor of Mathematics, University of Cambridge
363. Verónica Rodríguez-Blanco, Professor of Moral and Political Philosophy, University of Surrey
364. Mike Hough, Emeritus Professor of Criminal Policy, Birkbeck, University of London
365. Robin Dunbar FBA, Professor of Evolutionary Psychology, University of Oxford
366. Andreas Stergiou, Senior Research Fellow in Theoretical Physics, King’s College London
367. Holly Smith, Lecturer in Higher Education, University College London
368. Ashley Hannay, Lecturer in Law, University of Manchester
369. John Fanning, Senior Lecturer in Law, University of Liverpool
370. Diarmuid Costello, Professor of Philosophy, University of Warwick
371. Martin Herdegen, Reader in Financial Mathematics, University of Warwick
372. Simon Peatman, Senior Research Fellow in Climate and Atmospheric Science, University of Leeds
373. Murray Smith, Professor of Philosophy, Art, and Film, University of Kent
374. Markus Bockmuehl, Dean Ireland's Professor of the Exegesis of Holy Scripture, University of Oxford
375. Sally Power, Emerita Professor of Social Sciences, Cardiff University
376. Abena Dadze-Arthur, Assistant Professor of Public Management, University of Birmingham
377. Alastair Sutcliffe, Professor of General Paediatrics and Child Health, University College London
378. Theo Pepler, Researcher in Infectious Diseases, University of Glasgow
379. Justin Cruickshank, Senior Lecturer in Sociology, University of Birmingham
380. Mike Eslea, Senior Lecturer in Psychology, University of Central Lancashire
381. Michael Brady, Professor of Philosophy, University of Glasgow
382. Anna Brown, Professor of Psychometrics, University of Kent
383. Dorian Haskard, Professor of Cardiovascular Medicine and Rheumatology, Imperial College London
384. Benjamin Ferguson, Professor of Philosophy, University of Warwick
385. Dirk Jongkind, Affiliated Lecturer in New Testament, University of Cambridge
386. John Lister, Professor of Fluid Dynamics, University of Cambridge
387. Darren Calley, Senior Lecturer in Law, University of Essex
388. Deirdre O'Neill, Senior Lecturer in Film, University of Hertfordshire
389. Stephen Harper, Associate Professor of Critical Media Studies, University of Portsmouth
390. Chris Henry, Associate Lecturer in Politics, University of Kent
391. Ian Winter, Associate Professor of Neuroscience, University of Cambridge
392. Giulia Gentile, Lecturer in Law, University of Essex
393. James R Pritchett, Lecturer in War Studies, University of Hull
394. Øistein E. Andersen, Senior Research Associate in Computational Linguistics, University of Cambridge
395. Gerald Moore, Professor of French Philosophy and Digital Studies, Durham University
396. Lorraine Talbot, Professor of Law, University of Birmingham
397. Charles Taylor, Professor of Statistics, University of Leeds
398. Takis Konstantopoulos, Professor of Mathematics, University of Liverpool
399. Simon Mills, Senior Lecturer in Early Modern History, Newcastle University
400. Matthew Edwards, Senior Lecturer in Computer Science, University of Bristol
401. Sophie Read, Senior Lecturer in English, University of Cambridge
402. Emyr Macdonald, Professor of Physics, Cardiff University
403. Graham Shipley, Professor of Ancient History, University of Leicester
404. John Rawnsley, Emeritus Professor of Mathematics, University of Warwick
405. Barry Smith, Professor of Philosophy, School of Advanced Study, University of London
406. Paul du Gay, Professor of Organisation Theory, Royal Holloway, University of London
407. Francis Johnson, Professor of Mathematics, University College London
408. Ramzi Khamis, Reader in Cardiology, Imperial College London
409. Dominic Berry, Honorary Fellow in Classics, University of Edinburgh
410. Jane L Hutton, Professor of Statistics, University of Warwick
411. Simon Bignell, Senior Lecturer in Psychology, University of Derby
412. John Finnis FBA, Emeritus Professor of Law & Legal Philosophy, University of Oxford
413. Steven Greer, Emeritus Professor of Human Rights, University of Bristol
414. Nick Franks FRS, Professor of Biophysics and Anaesthetics, Imperial College London
415. Derek Matravers, Professor of Philosophy, The Open University
416. Colin Adams, Professor of Ancient History, University of Liverpool
417. Ben Knight, Senior Lecturer in Education, University of the West of England
418. Sarah Gale, Lecturer in Law, City St Georges, University of London
419. Simon Goddard, Teaching Fellow in English, Birmingham City University
420. Brendan Kelly, Research Associate in Medicine, Cardiff University
421. Martin Wynne, Senior Researcher in Corpus Linguistics, University of Oxford
422. Kulsoom Yusuf Pridmore, Lecturer in Education, University of Derby
423. Sophie Allen, Lecturer in Philosophy, University of Keele
424. Richard Harris, Former Associate Dean, School of Education, University of Chester
425. Monica Lakhanpaul, Professor of Integrated Community Child Health, University College London
426. Jonathan Partington, Emeritus Professor of Mathematics, University of Leeds
427. Adam Johansen, Professor of Statistics, University of Warwick
428. James Tooley, Vice-Chancellor, University of Buckingham
429. Ashley Mills, Public Health Data Scientist, University of Kent
430. Ian Stark, Senior Lecturer in Computer Science, University of Edinburgh
431. Kai Möller, Professor of Law, LSE
432. Alexander Murray FBA, Emeritus Fellow and Praelector in History, University of Oxford
433. Jason Clarke, Clinical Teacher in Restorative Dentistry, University of Sheffield
434. Richard Ridyard, Senior Lecturer in Law, Liverpool John Moores University
435. David Pilgrim, Visiting Professor of Clinical Psychology, University of Southampton
436. Alison Astles, Pharmacy Subject Lead, University of Huddersfield
437. Anne Simon, Associate Fellow at the Institute of Languages, Cultures and Societies, University of London
438. Junqing Wu, Lecturer in History, University of Liverpool
439. Paul Yowell, Associate Professor of Law, University of Oxford
440. Andrea Holland, Associate Professor of Creative Writing, University of East Anglia
441. Christopher Hamilton, Professor of Philosophy, King's College London
442. Trezza Azzopardi, Lecturer in Creative Writing, University of East Anglia
443. David Petrik, Senior Lecturer in Physiology, Cardiff University
444. Claire Street, Senior Lecturer in Global Business, Canterbury Christ Church University
445. Diane Rasmussen McAdie, Professor of Social Informatics, Edinburgh Napier University
446. Edward Harcourt, Professor of Philosophy, University of Oxford
447. Ian Deary OBE FBA, Professor of Differential Psychology, University of Edinburgh
448. Samuel Hughes, Research Fellow in Philosophy, University of Oxford
449. Trevor Allan FBA, Emeritus Professor of Jurisprudence and Public Law, University of Cambridge
450. Simon Platt, Former Reader in Electronic Engineering, University of Central Lancashire
451. David Butterfield, Senior Lecturer in Classics, University of Cambridge
452. William Gale, Professor of Aviation, University of Leeds
453. Martin Buzza, Reader in Physics & Astrophysics, University of Hull
Louise Green, Lecturer (Teaching), University
College London455. Susan Blackmore, Visiting Professor of Psychology, University of Plymouth
456. Nicholas Oulton, Senior Visiting Fellow at the Centre for Macroeconomics, LSE
457. Brendan Simms, Professor of the History of European International Relations, University of Cambridge
458. Gilbert Márkus, Researcher in Celtic and Gaelic, University of Glasgow
459. Antony Galione FRS, Professor of Pharmacology, University of Oxford
460. Almut Gadow, Former Lecturer in Law, Open University
461. Simon Humphries, Associate Lecturer in English, The Open University
462. Nick Cosstick, Research Associate, University of Cambridge
463. Sunetra Gupta, Professor of Theoretical Epidemiology, University of Oxford
464. Gus Gazzard Professor of Ophthalmology, University College London
465. Patrick Sturgis, Professor of Quantitative Social Science, LSE
466. Miguel Leon-Ledesma, Professor of Economics, University of Kent
467. Gregory Lippiatt, Senior Lecturer in Medieval History, University of Exeter
468. Ralph Weir, Senior Lecturer in Philosophy, University of Lincoln
469. Kristen Knowles, Senior Lecturer in Psychology, Queen Margaret University
470. Robert Wintemute, Professor of Human Rights Law, King's College London
471. Avril Mewse, Senior Lecturer in Psychology, University of Exeter
472. Sir Stephen O'Rahilly FRS, Professor of Clinical Biochemistry and Medicine, University of Cambridge
473. Michael Beaney, Regius Professor of Logic, University of Aberdeen
474. Emma Williamson, Former Reader in Gender-Based Violence , University of Bristol
475. Penny Lewis, Lecturer in Architecture, University of Dundee
476. David Sheffield, Professor of Psychology, University of Derby
477. Anne Buckley, Associate Professor in German and Translation Studies, University of Leeds
478. Matthew Durey, Senior Lecturer in Social Science, University of Sunderland
479. Andrew Dunn, Teaching Fellow, Bath Spa University
480. Alan Sokal, Professor of Mathematics, University College London
481. Martin Neil, Professor of Computer Science and Statistics, Queen Mary University of London
482. Frederick Toates, Emeritus Professor of Psychology, Open University
483. Ellen Wright, Clinical Academic Fellow, King’s College London
484. Stephen McLeod, Reader in Philosophy, University of Liverpool
485. Cathy Rosario, Former Associate Lecturer in Theatre, Goldsmiths, University of London
486. Michele Moore, Former Head of the Centre for Social Justice and Global Responsibility, London South Bank University
487. Steven Courtney, Professor of Sociology of Education Leadership, University of Manchester
488. Geraint Thomas, College Lecturer in History, University of Cambridge
489. John Lippitt, Visiting Professor of Philosophy, University of Hertfordshire
490. Simon Goodwin, Professor of Theoretical Astrophysics, University of Sheffield
491. Dawn Wilson, Senior Lecturer in Philosophy, University of Hull
492. Anthony Ashton, College Associate Professor of Mathematics, University of Cambridge
493. Samuel Cohen, Professor of Mathematics, University of Oxford
494. Carole Haswell, Professor of Astrophysics, The Open University
495. James Talbot, Associate Professor of Engineering, University of Cambridge
496. Roger Teichmann, Lecturer in Philosophy, University of Oxford
497. Kathleen Stock, Former Professor of Philosophy, University of Sussex
498. Gerald Lang, Professor of Philosophy, University of Leeds
499. Jens Kandt, Associate Professor in Urban Geography, University College London
500. Chris Lawrence, Associate Lecturer in Linguistics, The Open University
501. Ken McLaughlin, Associate Lecturer in Health and Social Care, QAHE
502. Julie Williams, Senior Lecturer in Social Work, University of Wolverhampton
503. Richard Byng, Professor in Primary Care Research, University of Plymouth
504. Sarah Galloway, Lecturer in Further Education, University of Stirling
505. Tim Benbow, Professor of Strategic Studies, King's College London
506. Louise Kay, Lecturer in Early Childhood Education, University of Sheffield
507. Sir John Baker, Emeritus Professor of Law, University of Cambridge
508. Daniel Hill, Senior Lecturer in Philosophy, University of Liverpool
509. Richard Gaskin, Professor of Philosophy, University of Liverpool
510. Paul Shemmell, Lecturer in Digital Technology, Global Banking School
511. Jennifer Gamble, Professor of Midwifery, Coventry University
512. Guy Nason, Professor of Statistics, Imperial College London
513. Christopher Bartley, Lecturer in Philosophy, University of Liverpool
514. Edward Morrison, Senior Lecturer in Psychology, University of Portsmouth
515. Izzat Darwazeh, Professor of Communications Engineering and Director of Research Institute, University College London
516. Evangelos Himonides, Professor of Technology, Education, and Music, University College London
517. Susan E. Evans, Professor of Vertebrate Morphology & Palaeontology, University College London
518. Zoe Forster, Deputy Librarian, University College London
519. Patrick Bray, Professor of French Literature, University College London
520. James Frederick Green, Lecturer in Organisational Behaviour, University of Worcester
521. Chris Rhodes, Lecturer in Digital Media Production, University College London
522. Alison M. Brady, Associate Professor of Education, University College London
523. Peter Latham, Professor of Theoretical Neuroscience, University College London
524. Rachel Rosen, Professor of Sociology, University College London
525. John O'Regan, Professor of Critical Applied Linguistics, University College London
526. Paula Ambrossi, Lecturer in Foreign Languages, University College London
527. Allen Abramson, Senior Lecturer in Anthropology, University College London
528. Macarena Jiménez Naranjo, Lecturer in Spanish Language & Hispanic Cultures, University College London
529. Marcus Witt, Senior Lecturer in Primary Mathematics Education, University of the West of England
530. Candia Morgan, Professor of Mathematics Education, University College London
531. Michèle Grace Bal, Research Associate and Postgraduate Teaching Assistant in Crime Science, University College London
532. Stephen Mossman, Senior Lecturer in Medieval History, University of Manchester
533. Pete Duncan, Honorary Associate Professor of Political Science, University College London
534. Donna Barnes, Lecturer in Nursing and Professional Practice, University of Derby
535. Steven Rose, Teaching Fellow in History of Mathematics, University College London
536. Francis Johnson, Professor of Mathematics, University College London
537. Adrian Mee, Lecturer in Education, University College London
538. Frank Furedi, Emeritus Professor of Sociology, University of Kent
539. Aileen O'Brien, Reader in Psychiatry and Education, City St George's University of London
540. Hassan Haghparast Bidgoli, Associate Professor of Health Economics, University College London
541. Sam Collingbourne, Research Associate in Mathematics, University of Edinburgh
542. Chris Graves, Former post-doctoral medical researcher, Cardiff University
543. Emma Milne, Associate Professor of Criminal Law and Criminal Justice, Durham University
544. Miroslav Sirota, Professor of Psychology, University of Essex
545. Kathryn Webb, Academic Tutor in Psychology, University of Oxford
546. Ronan McCrea, Professor of Constitutional and European Law, University College London
547. Renee Luthra, Professor of Sociology, University of Essex
548. Eva Poen, Lecturer in Economics, University of Exeter
549. Jeremy Pilch, Senior Lecturer in Theology, St Mary's University, Twickenham
550. Edward Sellman, Lecturer in Education, University of Nottingham
551. Marie Lall, Professor of Education and South Asian Studies, University College London
552. Margaret Bent CBE FBA, Emeritus Fellow, Musicology, All Souls College, Oxford
553. Shivaji Sondhi, Wykeham Professor of Physics, University of Oxford
554. David Logan, Coulson Professor of Theoretical Chemistry, University of Oxford
555. David Clifford, Associate Professor in English, University of Cambridge
556. Martin Caminada, Lecturer in Computer Science, Cardiff University
557. Piers Benn, Visiting Lecturer in Philosophy, University of Roehampton
558. Catherine Andreyev, Emeritus Associate Professor of Modern European History, University of Oxford
559. Patrick Hayes, Fellow in English, University of Oxford
560. Owen Crankshaw, Lecturer in Geography, University of Bristol
561. Amy Laurent, Senior Lecturer in Foundation Studies, University of Bristol
562. David Hewett, Professor in Mathematics, University College London
563. Mark Webber, Professor of International Politics, University of Birmingham
564. Geoff Andrews, Senior Lecturer in Politics, The Open University
565. Darren Langdridge, Professor of Psychology, The Open University
566. William Astle, Senior Lecturer in Biostatistics, University of Cambridge
567. Andrew Bennett, Professor of English, University of Bristol
568. Stephen Cannon-Brookes, Associate Professor of Environment Design, University College London
569. Audrey Laing, Lecturer in Media, Robert Gordon University
570. Paul Elbourne, Professor of the Philosophy of Language, University of Oxford
571. Erica Charters, Professor of History, University of Oxford
572. Simon Clarke, Academic Director and Principal Lecturer in Clinical Psychology, Canterbury Christ Church University
573. David Pérez-Suárez, Principal Research Software Engineer, University College London
574. Veronika Poniscjakova, Senior Teaching Fellow in International Relations, University of Portsmouth
575. Gwythian Prins, Emeritus Research Professor of History and Geopolitics, LSE
576. Frank Ledwidge, Senior Lecturer in War Studies, University of Portsmouth
577. Sir Niall Ferguson FRSE, Visiting Professor of History, LSE
578. Chris Hamnett, Emeritus Professor of Geography, King’s
College London
579. Ana Nikcevic, Professor of Psychology and Mental Health, Kingston University
580. John Shepherd, Emeritus Professor of Geography, Birkbeck College London
581. Ross Denton, Professor of Chemistry, University of Nottingham
582. Ian Adcock, Professor of Respiratory Cell & Molecular Biology, Imperial College London
583. Jane Fenton, Professor of Social Work Education, University of Dundee
584. Alan Buckingham, Lecturer in Social Sciences, University of Bristol
585. Mark Cresswell, Principal Lecturer in Natural Sciences, Manchester Metropolitan University
586. Chris Bramall, Emeritus Professor of Economics, School of Oriental and African Studies
587. John Lowry, Emeritus Professor of Law, University College London
588. Owen Saunders, Former Senior lecturer in Law, Birmingham City University
589. Yuri Bazlov, Lecturer in Mathematics, University of Manchester
590. Giles Cattermole, Honorary Senior Lecturer in Medicine, Queen Mary University of London
591. Andrew MacFarlane, Reader in Information Retrieval, City St Georges, University of London
592. Tom Stephenson, Senior Lecturer in Primary Education, University of Sunderland
593. Andrew Lack, Senior Lecturer in Biology, Oxford Brookes University
594. Lars Iyer, Professor of Creative Writing, Newcastle University
595. Professor Jeremy Dibble, Emeritus Professor of Music, Durham University
596. Robert Cochrane, Senior Lecturer in Materials Engineering, University of Leeds
597. Charles Paxton, Research Fellow in Statistics, University of St Andrews
598. James Sedgwick, Senior Lecturer in Counselling and Psychotherapy, Birmingham Newman University
599. Mark Blagrove, Professor of Psychology, Swansea University
600. Mark Burgess, Reader in Psychology, Oxford Brookes University
601. Sir Ivor Crewe, Former Master, University College, University of Oxford
602. Colleen McKenna, Lecturer in Academic Practice, St Mary’s University
603. Philip Cunliffe, Associate Professor of International Relations, University College London
604. Colin Axon, Reader in Engineering, Brunel University London
605. Christopher Badcock, Emeritus Reader in Sociology, LSE
606. Kathryn Ecclestone, Retired Professor of Education, University of Sheffield
607. Tim Green, Senior Lecturer in Biomedical Science, Hull York Medical School
608. Ruth Dixon, Retired Lecturer in Politics, University of Oxford
609. Peter Hewitson, Senior Lecturer in Chemical Engineering, Brunel University London
610. Claire Methven O’Brien, Reader in Law, University of Dundee
611. Fen Sanders-Lamb, Senior Lecturer in Paramedic Science, Swansea University
612. Geoffrey Hosking OBE FBA FRHistS, Emeritus Professor of Russian History, University College London
613. Neil Pye, Lecturer in British Politics, University of Liverpool
614. George MacDonald Ross, Retired Senior Lecturer in Philosophy, University of Leeds
615. James Laidlaw, Emeritus Professor of Social Anthropology, University of Cambridge
616. Elizabeth Dalgarno, Lecturer in Health Sciences, University of Manchester
617. Alain J.E. Wolf, Honorary Research Fellow in Translation Studies, University of East Anglia
618. Eric Heinze, Professor of Law and Humanities, Queen Mary University of London
619. Jakub Benes, Associate Professor of Central European History, University College London
620. Svetlana Ignatova, Reader in Chemical Engineering, Brunel University London
621. Kerry Gutridge, Research Fellow in Psychology, University of Manchester
622. David Sanders, Emeritus Professor of Political Science, University of Essex
623. Seán Doyle, Lecturer in Education, University College London
624. John Lee, Senior Lecturer in English, University of Bristol
625. Robert Lockie, Senior Lecturer in Psychology, University of West London
626. Peter Cave, Honorary Associate, Philosophy, The Open University
627. Chris Hamnett, Emeritus Professor of Geography, King's College London
628. Pete Baumbach, Lecturer in Counselling, University of Suffolk
629. Sir Gregory Winter CBE FRS (Nobel Laureate), Fellow and former Master of Trinity College, University of Cambridge
630. Marcus du Sautoy OBE FRS, Simonyi Professor for the Public Understanding of Science and Professor of Mathematics, University of Oxford
631. Sir Peter Ratcliffe FRS (Nobel Laureate), Professor of Clinical Medicine, University of Oxford
632. Richard Henderson FRS (Nobel Laureate), Emeritus biophysicist, University of Cambridge
633. Sir John Gurdon FRS (Nobel Laureate), Honorary Fellow and former Master of Magdalene College, University of Cambridge
634. Brian Josephson FRS (Nobel Laureate), Emeritus Professor of Physics, University of Cambridge
635. Sir Tim Hunt FRS (Nobel Laureate), Emeritus scientist, Francis Crick Institute
636. Maria Thom, Professor of Neuropathology, University College London
637. Michael Levitt FRS (Nobel Laureate), Emeritus Professor of Biophysics, King’s College London
638. Michael Boswell, Associate Lecturer Engineering, University of Northampton
639. Rachel Featherstone, Senior Lecturer in Research Methods, Teesside University
640. John Bloxham, Associate Lecturer in Politics, The Open University
641. Fionn Dunne, Professor of Micromechanics, Imperial College London
642. Martin Robb, Senior Lecturer in Education and Health Care, The Open University
643. Geoff Bird, Associate Professor of Psychology, University College London
644. Barry VL Potter, Emeritus Professor of Medicinal Chemistry, University of Oxford
645. Alan Neale, Retired Principal Lecturer in Economics, University of East London
646. Sir Simon Donaldson FRS (Fields Medal 1986), Professor of Pure Mathematics, Imperial College London
647. Simon Bowles, Senior Lecturer in Nutrition, Sheffield Hallam University
648. Behrang Noohi, Reader in Mathematics, Queen Mary University of London
649. Michael Maier, Former Head, London School of Psychiatry
650. John Preston, Professor of Philosophy, University of Reading
651. Brandon Gallaher, Associate Professor of Systematic Theology, University of Exeter
652. R J Dolan FRS, Director, Max Planck UCL Centre for Computational Psychiatry and Ageing Research
653. Marcus Kaiser, Professor of Neuroinformatics, University of Nottingham
654. Philip Murray, College Lecturer in Law, Robinson College, Cambridge
655. David Ibbetson, Emeritus Regius Professor of Civil Law, University of Cambridge
656. Ryan Alweiss, Junior Research Fellow, University of Cambridge
657. Laura Kravitz, Principal Lecturer in Clinical Practice, University of Hertfordshire
658. Laurence Hemming, Professor of Philosophy, Lancaster University
659. Lord Adair Turner, Visiting Professor, LSE
660. Glenn Burgess, Professor of Early Modern History, University of Hull
661. Ace North, Research Scientist in Biology, University of Oxford
662. Giacinta Cestone, Professor of Finance, City, University of London
663. Chris Taylor, Professor of Social Sciences, Cardiff University
664. Gavin Phillipson, Professor of Law, University of Bristol
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