White Memorial Conservation Center Membership Survey
As part of the White Memorial Conservation Center's 50th Anniversary we have set a goal to double our current 1,090 memberships within two years.  Your participation in this survey will help us achieve our goal.  Your feedback will also help the Center provide the programs and experiences you expect from one of New England's most beautiful wildlife sanctuaries and a world-class natural history museum.
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
White Memorial Touches Many Hearts and Minds
A compilation of sound-bites from people who know why White Memorial is so loved and enjoyed by so many.
1. Are you a member of White Memorial Conservation Center? Both non-member and member input is greatly appreciated!
2. How did you first learn about the Center?
3. How long have you been a Center member?
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4. How often have you used the Center in the past year?
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5. Why are you a Center member?
Please feel free to choose more than one.
6. What are your interests?
Choose those you use.
7. If you participate in programs and events, how do you learn about them?
Choose all that apply to you.
8. Of the choices in #7, which do you use the most to find about the Center?
9. Have you enjoyed the programs you participated in?
10. Any suggestions for improvements or new topics?
11. Do you have children?
12. Have your children attended a program?
13. Did your children attend a program through their school?
14. Have your children attended a Center vacation or summer program?
15. Have you purchased anything from the Gift Shop?
16. What types of items did you buy from the Gift Shop?
17. What else would you like the Gift Shop to carry?
18. Do you have any suggestions for increasing public awareness of, and membership in the Center?
19. Did you know the White Memorial Conservation Center membership dues help to defray the costs of our weekly programs and special events and so much more?
20. Did you know that White Memorial is a private not-for-profit corporation and not a State Park?
Thank You!   Copy and Paste the below link into your browser window for a PDF of WMCC  membership form     http://www.whitememorialcc.org/membership.html
21. What town do you live in?
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