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Group Program Policies & Procedures
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Client Full Name: *
Today's Date:  *
Confidentiality Policy: *

The purpose of this policy is to provide a comprehensive outline of the AdaptABILITY Support Services (herein referred to as “AdaptABILITY”) confidentiality standards to be adhered to at all times.  

Scope: This policy applies to anyone who works for, volunteers for, or provides services to, AdaptABILITY, including but not limited to: full- and part-time staff, independent contractors, temporary employees, volunteers, directors, consultants and board members. Each aforementioned is bound by this policy. 


Staff: Anyone who works for, volunteers for, consults with, or provides services to, AdaptABILITY. 

Client: Any person(s) or family member(s) who obtains service from AdaptABILITY.  


1. Clients and their families, staff members, and volunteers have a right to privacy that gives them control over the dissemination of their medical or other sensitive information. AdaptABILITY will preserve the right of confidentiality for all individuals in its program. 

2. Staff will keep confidential all medical, social, referral, personal, family, financial and/or any other information regarding the client and their family. This includes verbal, written, or electronic communication. When photocopying or working on confidential documents, staff must ensure confidentiality of those documents at all times. This also applies to information on computer screens. Any person who accidentally obtains such information must not disclose it to anyone without proper written authorization. 

3. A person must be over the age of 18 to give consent for disclosure of medical or sensitive information. For anyone under the age of 18, only parent(s), legal guardian(s) or other legal representatives may give consent for disclosure. Adults with developmental disabilities are presumed legally competent to give or deny disclosure unless they have been adjudicated incompetent to make this type of decision. If a substitute decision maker has been appointed, written consent must be obtained from that individual. 

4. Disclosure of private or sensitive information will not be released without the client’s written consent, with the exception of specific circumstances (see Appendix). 

5. Breach of this confidentiality policy will result in written reprimand, and/or termination of services/employment, to be determined solely by AJ Kirkpatrick. 

Duty to disclose information:

There is a legal duty to disclose specific information, including:

Child abuse / neglect. Every person who has reasonable grounds to suspect that a child is, or may be in need of, protection must promptly report the suspicion and the information upon which it is based to The Children’s Aid Society.

Harm to self and/or others. Report will be made to authorities if: there is a clear risk of harm to an identifiable person or group of persons; there is a risk of serious bodily harm or death (e.g., the threat must be such that the intended victim is in danger of being killed or of suffering serious bodily harm); the danger is imminent (i.e., the nature of the threat must be such that it creates a sense of urgency).

Activity Participation Policy: *

There is an expectation to participate in all AdaptABILITY Program activities, to the best of the Client’s ability. There are inherent risks associated with these activities, and Clients and/or their Guardians will not hold AJ Kirkpatrick, or AdaptABILITY Support Services liable for the risk, danger, injury, or damages caused to the Client by participating in the following, or any additional activity deemed part of the program:  Barrie Public Library: Essa Rd, Dean Ave & Downtown Locations

Recreation Center / Fitness Center (to be determined)

Grocery Stores: No Frills on Wellington, others as needed

Public Transportation: Barrie City Transit, Go Transit bus, Go Train

Commercial Kitchen: OfficeInc!

Transportation: Van (as necessary)

Other public spaces, including but not limited to: retail stores, grocery stores, public centers, club / class spaces hosting programs. 

Health Policy: *

If there is a question or concern about you being able to attend the Program as scheduled, please give as much notice as possible! Email, text, or phone and (if necessary) leave a message.

It is important to stay home if you are feeling unwell. Following the latest health guidelines is the best way to keep ourselves and others safe and healthy. Please refer to your local Health Authority for more information. 

Clients can be sent home due to illness at the sole discretion of the Program Leader. 

Clients should remain home if experiencing any of the following conditions:
-Fever (100°F/38.3°C or higher)
-Nausea or vomiting or diarrhea
-Any suspected communicable diseases

Clients will inform the Program Leader within 24 hours of a diagnosis of a serious illness or disease of a communicable / contagious nature of themselves or any member in the household. This is to protect others and their families who attend the program. This information will be kept as confidential as possible. 

Behaviour Policy & Behaviour Incident Report Policy:

AdaptABILITY Support Services strives to provide an environment that is positive, consistent, and safe. The use of behaviour management, natural consequences, a fair and equitable approach, and cognitively-age-appropriate teaching is the foundation of this environment.  Behaviour Management is the process of promoting positive behaviour through positive reinforcement, recognition and encouragement of appropriate behaviour, positive engagement, re-direction, and strengths-based learning. Behaviour management also aims to prevent and manage misbehaviour. 


Each Client is expected to behave in a safe manner, listen to the Program Leader, respect self and others, respect other people’s personal space, respect the privacy of others, respect the program spaces, be positive, be friendly, and be polite at all times. 

Program Leader will provide programming in a safe, positive and consistent environment, and adhere to the Ontario Association of Child & Youth Care (OACYC) Code of Ethics. Should any Client require behaviour intervention by Program Leader, the following dictates the process for Program Leader(s) to manage disruptive behaviour: 

1. Ensure the safety of everyone. 2. Acknowledge feelings and emotions. 3. Use behaviour management techniques (calm voice, co-regulation, re-direct, provide time and space to calm and be ready to re-enter the program). 4. Discuss next steps, fill out Incident Report *see attached example. 5. Inform Guardian

Should the Client be unable to manage their behaviour and continue the program, the Program Leader will have the sole discretion to have the Client leave the program immediately. Return to the Program will include review of this policy, and signing the incident report. 

This policy is to be followed at all times. 

Injury/ Medical Incident Report Policy:

At AdaptABILITY Support Services, safety is the first priority. Should you be injured while at the program, an Incident Report will be completed by the Program Leader for any / all of the following: 

-Major cut, bruise or scrape

-Fall from height, fall on head, or fall with possibility of complicated injury

-Allergic reaction (hives, itching, swelling), unexplained rash

-Bump to head, any severity

-Vomiting or diarrhea


-Pain (any complaints of unexplained or undiagnosed pain)

-Headache or stiff neck 

-Suspected communicable diseases

-Any unexplained bruises / scrapes will be documented as discovered. 

Program Leader will assist with the decision to call Guardian and/or request Client be picked up from the Program, if necessary. 


Section 72 of the Child and Family Services Act (CFSA) states that the public, including professionals who work with children, must promptly report any suspicions that a child is or may be in need of protection to a children's aid society (CAS). The Act defines the phrase "child in need of protection" as a child who is or who appears to be suffering from abuse and/or neglect. It includes physical, sexual and emotional abuse, neglect, and risk of harm. 

For immediate concerns: 

Simcoe Muskoka Family Connexions


Photo Release:

As part of AdaptABILITY’s programming, Clients may be photographed and/or videoed. These photographs, videos, and/or digital recordings may be used to promote AdaptABILITY Support Services. 

I consent and agree that AdaptABILITY Support Services, its employees, or agents have the right to take photographs, videos, and/or digital recordings of me and have the right to use these in any and all media, including but not limited to print and/or on the internet, now and hereafter. I further consent that my name and identity may be revealed by descriptive text or commentary.

I understand that it is my responsibility to update this form in the event that I no longer wish to authorize the above uses. I agree that this form will remain in effect during the term of your participation in AdaptABILITY Support Services Programs. I understand that there will be no payment for my participation in this release.

Vacation / Holiday / Days Off Policy: *

Please provide as much notice as possible if Client needs any time off from Program. 

Fees for any Client time off are payable as per the same Payment Schedule, as outlined in the Schedule, Fees & Payment document.

Program Leader will provide as much advance notice as possible for changes in Program, though some unexpected or unscheduled changes may be necessary. AdaptABILITY and the Program Leader will do their best to ensure programs continue as scheduled. 

AdaptABILITY Support Services will be closed for specific Holidays (see list below). There will be NO fee decreases for these sessions; fees will remain the same. 

AdaptABILTIY Support Services will be CLOSED for the following Holidays: 

New Year’s Day (January 1)

Family Day (Third Monday in February)

Good Friday (Friday before Easter Sunday)

Easter Monday (Monday after Good Friday)

Victoria Day (Monday before May 25)

Canada Day (July 1)

Civic Holiday (First Monday of August)

Labour Day (First Monday in September)

Thanksgiving Monday (2nd Monday in October)

Christmas Day (December 25)

Boxing Day (December 26)

Schedule, Fees & Payment Policy: 

Payment in FULL is due for full session fees before 3:00pm Friday the week before Session Start Date. 

Fees are based on enrollment, not attendance, and include all sick days, vacation and holidays. Fees remain the same, and there are NO fee adjustments for sick and/or missed days, vacation or holidays, or closure due to weather or unforeseen circumstances. You will need to stay at home, and not attend the Program if you are sick or ill. Please see Health Policy for more details. 

In order to have consistency through programs, please try your best to adhere to program times, as client supervision is unavailable before or after program times. Clients are responsible for transportation to and from Program. Transportation to and from Program is not provided. 

Payments can be made via e-transfer to

Receipts will be provided for each session, upon payment in full. 

Tax Receipts will be issued in February for the previous year. 

Acknowledgment: *
By entering my name below I understand and agree to the following policies: 
  • Confidentiality Policy
  • Activity Participation Policy
  • Health Policy
  • Behaviour Policy & Behaviour Incident Report Policy:
  • Injury/ Medical Incident Report Policy
  • Photo & Media Release
  • Schedule, Fee's & Payment
  • Acknowledgement
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