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Our next home delivery date is MONDAY 23 DECEMBER 2024.
Orders must be placed by 10am on the same day.

We deliver to any postcode area within the borough of Lewisham. That means, if you live in BR1, SE3, SE4, SE6, SE8, SE12, SE13, SE14, SE15, SE23, SE26 then we'll deliver to you!

Order using the form below and you'll receive an invoice after your delivery with details of how to pay.

Repeat Orders!
Never worry about running out of beer again! Select a repeat order and we'll keep you stocked with your favourite Ignition Beer throughout the year.
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Place your order.
Our mixed cases come as standard and we can’t accept specific requests for them unfortunately.

All cases cost £45 each for 18 bottles (that's a 5% saving compared to buying individual bottles!) plus £2.95 delivery. Delivery is free for orders of 2 cases or more.
1 box
2 boxes
3 boxes
South Of The River LPA 4.2%
Well Oiled Machine Porter 4.8%
Jumpstart IPA 4.6%
GTI Turbo 5.5%
Mixed 1: 9 x South of the River & 9 x Jump Start
Mixed 2: 6 x South of the River, 6 x Jump Start, 3 x GTI Turbo & 3 x Well OIled Machine
Mixed 3: 8 x South of the River, 7 x Jump Start & 3 x Well OIled Machine
How often would you like this order?
What should we do with your order if you aren't in?
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