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2024-2025 Emergency Contact Info.: District Employees
With winter weather now here, we want to ensure you’re prepared for any potential school delays or cancellations. We recently sent a test alert to families, employees, and key stakeholders to evaluate the effectiveness of our emergency messaging system, ParentSquare. This form is for School District Employees only.

If you DID NOT receive that message, please complete this form. Do not send an email. All changes will be made through information contained in this form. Also, please only complete this contact form if you DID NOT get the test message. If you received the test message, simply ignore this email and DO NOT complete this form.    

Also, we encourage you to check with the district's Office of Human Resources to ensure that the information they have on file is accurate and up-to-date. You must provide both a phone number and an email address to receive messages.    

Thanks again for all your help!

Response Deadline: Friday, Dec. 6, 2024 (Noon, EST)
Email *
Your First Name *
Your Last Name *
Your Preferred Phone (Mobile Phones Preferred) *
Your Preferred Email Address (District Emails Preferred) *
Your Building(s) (Please Check All that Apply) *
Your Job Title/Responsibility
Urgent alerts should provide a phone call, a text message and an email. If you received some but not all of the communications, please indicate below which communication you DID NOT receive: *
Any Additional Comments You May Wish to Add
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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