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Share the Table TAY 

This is a unique opportunity to get together with other congregants and share the joys of a Passover Seder together.

We will match up guests/hosts with aligned preferences regarding kashrut.

What is expected of a host?

If you are thinking about hosting, thank you! Below, you can indicate how many guests you are willing to have join you.  You will need to let your guest(s) know what time to arrive, and what to bring to eat or drink.  There are no other expectations regarding what to do before, during, or after your Seder – this is simply an opportunity to bring a guest to join you in your already existing traditions, whatever they may be.

What is expected of a guest?

Guests should plan to bring a dish or a beverage to the hosts’ home, please coordinate that with your host.  Please also indicate in the registration form if you have any dietary restrictions, mobility restrictions, or timing restrictions so that we can match guests/hosts appropriately.

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Name(s) (first and last)
Number of participants (please include ages of children)
Email address
Phone number
Would you prefer to host, to be a guest in someone else's home, or either?
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If you are willing to host, how many guests would you be willing to have (excluding your own family)?
What other information should we share with your host family or guests (e.g. timing needs for families with small children, dietary restrictions/allergies, mobility restrictions or requirements such as steps)? Please include your level of Kashrut observance so we can match appropriately.
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