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Cambridge Issue Survey
Please provide your views on the Cambridge issues outlined below after filling out the top of this form  (* Required )
How many years approximately have you lived in Cambridge? *
Do you plan to vote in the 2021 City election? *
*Last Name *
*First name *
Email *
Address (street and Apt. #) *
Zip code *
Neighborhood (e.g. The Port etc.) *
Renter or Owner *
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Your Views on Housing (choose all that apply) *
Your Views on Equity Issues (choose all that apply) *
Your Views on Cambridge City Governance (choose all that apply) *
Your Views on Planning and Development Strategies (choose all that apply) *
Our Children, Seniors, and  other Vulnerable Populations (choose all that apply) *
Would you like to help Cambridge Citizens Coalition? If so how? *
What did we not include here that you would like to add?
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