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DA Quote Request
Tell us about your upcoming shipment, the groups involved, your requirements / preferences / budget, what aid is being sent, and the impact you hope to have.  :D

We suggest filling the form out in a single session so you don't lose your data.  Please submit this form at least 2 weeks before your cargo ready date, in order for us to have the best chance to meet all of your requirements.


Beginning Dec. 1st, the DA team will be focused on wrapping up 2020 and preparing for 2021, and then go break on break through early January.  Please do stay in touch, however we may not get back to you right away.

Key dates to keep in mind:

  - Nov. 15th - The last day to submit new quote requests.
  - Nov. 30th - Our last available loading day.  With rare exception, we will not remain involved in shipments that cannot load by the end of November.
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Who is the main point of contact for this shipment? *
Name / WhatsApp / Email
Which aid group are they affiliated with?  What country are they currently in? *
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