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Your Alma Mater, the Philippine School of Business Administration (PSBA)-Manila, is conducting this survey for two reasons.  One is to enlist all alumni so that the PSBA Graduate Alumni Association would be formed.  The other is to find out the extent to which the school has contributed to the employment and career of its alumni.  

Your responses will be used exclusively for the purposes of this research, and will thus be considered confidential. Your cooperation for responding to this survey will go a long way as important feedback to update the school with external developments and industry trends and, thus, make the school’s program of courses, curriculum, and other activities be relevant to the needs of its students.

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Email *
A. Personal Identification
Name *
Address *
Contact Mobile/Telephone Number
Email Address *
Region of Origin
Province of Origin
City/Municipality of Origin
B. Education
Degree(s) taken from Philippine School of Business Administration (PSBA)-Manila
Area of specialization
Year graduated from PSBA
Honors/Awards received as graduate student
Reasons for taking up the course/degree at PSBA (You may check one or more response choices)
For Self-Employed/Unemployed
Why did you choose to be self-employed? (You may check one or more response choices):
If self-employed, what is your line of business?
For the unemployed, why are you not employed? (You may check one or more response choices):
To Be Answered By Those Employed Only
Length of time between graduation and your first job
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Was looking for a job difficult?  
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How many agencies/companies did you apply for work before you got your first job?
Is your present job related to your college course?  
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First employer’s name and address
How long did you stay in your first job?
Employment Status in Present Job
Why are you staying in your present job?  (You may check one or more response choices)
Present job employer’s name
Present Job Position/Designation
Employer’s location/address and contacts
Which of the following categories of employee do you belong?
Which of the following occupation category (following the Philippine Standard Occupational Classification) does your present job belong?
What is the major line of business that the company you are working with is engaged in?
Does your present job relate to your graduate studies course?  
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Which of the competencies you learned in college have been useful in your present job? (You may check one or more response choices)
Suggestions (to be answered by all alumni whether employed, self-employed, or unemployed)
List down your own suggestions for PSBA to improve the curriculum of its undergraduate course offerings
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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