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EVs in the Smokies
Townsend, TN
10:00 am - 4:00 pm
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Hosted by the Knoxville Electric Vehicle Association (KEVA) at
Peaceful Side Social Brewery and Craft Kitchen
7967 E Lamar Alexander Pkwy, Townsend, TN 37882

Join us Saturday AFTER the Fourth of July for the annual EVs in the Smokies featuring numerous vehicles on display, Ride & Drives, and lots of fun with a great family and pet friendly atmosphere.
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Do you own an EV?
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If you do own an EV, please tell us about it.  If you don't have an EV right now, just skip on down.  If you do, please specify year, make, model, and trim in the sections below.  Example:  2023 Ford F-150 Lightning XLT
At EVs in the Smokies, you can choose to just attend the event, or to show your EV and talk with people, or to offer rides, or to offer drives.  Display vehicles will be in one area, and ride and drive vehicles will be in a separate area adjacent to that.
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