Drawing I - Course Eval, Fall 2013
This is an anonymous survey to help me improve the course.  I like to hear your thoughts so I can make changes and improvements before the semester is over.  Please be honest and thorough.

Scale is: 4=Strongly Agree, 3= Agree, 2 = Disagree, 1=Strongly Disagree.
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I am becoming more knowledgeable in drawing because of this course. *
I am developing the ability to communicate clearly about drawing. *
I feel comfortable asking questions in class. *
I feel comfortable expressing my opinion in class. *
The instructor responds well to students' questions. *
I am able to obtain individual assistance from the instructor, if needed. *
The instructor presents material in a clear manner. *
The instructor provides helpful feedback on my performance. *
The instructor graded and returned assignments within a reasonable time. *
My grades accurately reflect my performance in this course. *
Please elaborate on anything you like - I appreciate your honest and thorough feedback!
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