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Carbon Literacy for the Bude Community
Thank you for your interest in attending the bespoke Carbon Literacy for the Bude Community training.

The next dates for the training are Tuesday and Thursday 14th and 16th January. 9.30am to 1.30pm (attendance on both days is necessary). The training is delivered online, via Zoom.

We will be announcing more dates for 2025 soon. To book a space on the January course, or to register your interest for future dates, and to help guide us as to the best days to schedule the training, please answer the questions below.

If you have any specific quesitons or queries please contact Kate Stark

We take your privacy very seriously, and will only use the information you give us to stay in touch with information regarding Carbon Literacy Training. You can check Bude Climate Partnership's privacy policy at To exercise your legal data rights, please email:

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Carbon Literacy Training Dates
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If registering your interest in future courses, please indicate what day(s) of the week you would be available, to help us decide what dates to offer.
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