Homework Survey for Parents
Your feedback is valuable as I continue to shape expectations and routines for our classroom. I would greatly appreciate your time in filling out this survey. All surveys are anonymous unless you put your name in the comments.
Thanks so much!
Taylor Lang
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On average, how much time does your child spend on homework on weekday evenings? *
On average, how much time does your child spend on homework on weekends? *
What do you feel is an appropriate amount of homework for your child's grade level? *
How do you feel about weekend homework and homework over holiday vacations? *
How much control should parents have over the amount of homework their child has? (Check all that apply to your child). *
How often do you understand the value of the homework assignment to your child's learning?
How often does the homework appear to be busywork?
Can your child complete homework without your help or supervision? *
Does your child have special needs or special circumstances that influence the ability to complete homework? (Check all that apply to your child.) *
If your child has difficulty working alone, to what do you attribute the problem? (Check all that apply to your child.) *
Does your child have organizational problems related to homework? (Check all that apply to your child.) *
What resources do you have at home to assist your child in doing homework? (Check all that apply.) *
How involved are you in your child's homework? (Check all statements that apply to you.) *
What could teachers do to make the homework process better and less stressful for your child? (Check all you agree with.) *
Please use this space to share any additional questions, suggestions, or concerns. Thanks for your time!
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