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Provider Profile
By registering for this list, potential patients will be able to confidently access the healthcare they need knowing that the providers they see will be affirming of who they are.

With this map, potential patients will be able to search providers by their specialty, location, and what insurance is accepted.
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Provider Name *
Practice Name *
Practice Address *
Phone Number *
Website *
Email Adress *
Please indicate the categories which you want to be listed (check all that apply): *
Would you like to list any special services not listed? If yes, please answer below.
Would you like to include a personal statement? If yes, please answer below.
Do you include a place for patients to indicate their sexual orientation or whom they have sex with (gay, bisexual, MSM, WSW, etc.) when you gather health information on medical forms, during exams, etc.? *
In addition to sex, do you include LGBTQ affirming options for gender identity such as trans, gender non-conforming, agender, etc.? *
Regardless of forms, is it the policy of the facility to routinely ask patients/clients for their chosen name and pronoun? *
Has your staff completed an LGBTQ Best Practices training and/or training focused on working with the LGBTQ community? *
If yes, what organization provided the training? Date?
My non-discrimination policy includes...
My office/space...
My practice currently serves patients/clients who identify as...
Does your practice care for youth patients (18 and under)? *
If yes: when caring for youth patients, my practice...
My practice accepts these insurance plans: *
I am...
If you are not licensed in Oklahoma, what state are you licensed?
Languages spoken in your practice (besides English):
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