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We , the young graduate law-abiding wives of the thirties , <cried> ourselves as our babies went blue with cold . . .
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When we were little children how eagerly we used to gather pieces of broken tile , little sticks , and mud with which to build houses and other tiny buildings , and if someone knocked them over , how heartbroken we were and how we <cried> !
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Jenny , now happily married , <cried> when she heard her torturer was dead and said : ` I 'm relieved I will never again feel my stomach churn when a man with his silhouette passes me in the street ' .
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When Geoffrey son of Sarah of Empingham resisted this illegal demand , the forester raised the hue and <cry> upon him , and distrained him until he gave him two shillings and found sureties for appearing at the attachment court .
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Most families tolerate and encourage the release of conflict whereby irritators are released through <crying> or yelling or confronting in other ways .
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` Yes ! ' he <cried> , ` Yes !
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Birmingham is <crying> out for a venue for mid-size bands . '
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So Aaron makes a golden calf , and when the people see it , they <cry> , ` These are your gods , O Israel , who brought you up out of the land of Egypt ! '
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About the only place is the lavatory and in the lavatory you <cry> alone .
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I did n't have a Valium injection and I did n't have laughing gas ( who needs that when you 've got an entertaining toothbrush ? ) , and I did n't <cry> or faint or bite the hygienist or do any of the things normally associated with one of my trips to the dentist .
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He visited certain continental veterinary schools in 1815 and 1816 , but did not <submit> his report on these visits to the governors until June 1818 .
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By the same token , those of us who become victims of fatal disease should be willing to <submit> to medical research for the better advantage of humanity .
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But , it is <submitted> , the law is as stated above .
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English Nature , the government 's adviser on nature conservation , has <submitted> 18 new areas to the Ministry of Agriculture for designation as Environmentally Sensitive Areas ( ESAs ) .
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The Buid rejection of isug does not imply a readiness to <submit> to the will of others .
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I <submit> that that is what the council tax is as well , 25 per cent .
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Those that are not reviewed are returned as rapidly as possible so that they may be <submitted> elsewhere without delay .
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In seeking to escape from this conclusion it was <submitted> in argument that the reasoning of the judgment did not show , or show sufficiently , that Thorpe J. had given due weight to W. 's wishes and that accordingly he had misdirected himself .
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The Soviet Union <submitted> a scheme envisaging the establishment of a joint commission by the Soviet and American military commands in Korea , which would advise on the formation of a provisional Korean government .
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Pro-independence groups had <submitted> a series of similar declarations in March and April , each of which was defeated .
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