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The Weir Link Maths Homework Club Registration Form
The Weir Link, 33 Weir Road, London SW12 0NU

We need this online form completed for each young person attending activities provided by The Weir Link. You will need to compete this form once per child.

All the information required here will be stored in accordance with our Privacy Policy which is available at The information you provide will not be given to third parties.

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Email *
Please tell us how you heard about The Weir Link Maths homework club? *
Young Person's Full Name *
Young Person's Date of Birth *
Gender *
Name of School (from September 2022) *
School Year (from September 2022) *
Full address including postcode *
Does your child have their own laptop to bring for the homework club? If your answer is no, we will contact you to discuss how to enable your child to attend. *
Is your child eligible for free school meals? *
Young person's mobile number (if appropriate)
Please send general texts with activity information to the Young Person (if appropriate)
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Young person's email address (if appropriate)
Please email Young Person with general activity information (if appropriate)
YOUNG PERSON'S MEDICAL & CONSENT INFORMATION                                                                     If the answer is 'yes' to any of these questions, please give details.
Does your child have any special dietary requirements or allergies? *
Does your child have a medical condition/disability/allergy? *
Does your child have any additional needs? *
Is there any other information which would be helpful for us to know about?
GP Details (Dr's Name, Address, Phone Number) *
I consent for my child to receive appropriate First Aid treatment (e.g. plasters and items found in a First Aid Kit) *
I give permission for my child to appear in photos and video that can be used for internal and external publicity and promotional purposes (e.g. website/social media). I understand that the identity of my child will be protected in all publications. *
PARENT/CARERS INFORMATION                                                                                                                              
Name of Parent/Carer A *
Home address of Parent/Carer A (if different to young person's) *
Mobile Number of Parent/Carer A *
Please send general texts with activity information to Parent/Carer A *
Home phone number of Parent/Carer A (optional)
Email Address of Parent/Carer A *
Please email general activity information to Parent/Carer A
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Name of Parent/Carer B (optional question)
Mobile Number of Parent/Carer B (optional question)
Please send general texts with activity information to Parent/Carer B (optional question)
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Email Address of Parent/Carer B (optional question)
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Please send emails with activity information to Parent/Carer B (optional question)
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Name and phone number of an alternative adult in case of emergencies (not a parent/carer) *
I consent to the details provided being added to The Weir Link's database for communication purposes. I understand that the information provided will not be given to third parties. For full details about how we use your data, please visit *
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