If retired, list your former position and/or job title
Your answer
Company/Organization *
Your answer
My Availability: *
(Check all that apply. You may select more than one shift per school.)
My Availability: If you are unable to stay for the full duration of the event (or shift), please note by what time you would have to leave
Ex: Friday, March 18th: 9am-11:30pm* (Hill-Freedman World Academy)
Your answer
My field/industry is: *
(Please select all that apply.)
If you selected more than one industry, please indicate which you would like to primarily represent at Career Day.
Your answer
In which ways would you be willing to share your knowledge/expertise with students (beyond having 1-on-1 or small group conversations with students at a career fair)? *
Check all that apply.
Is there anything else you would like us to know about your background?
Your answer
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