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Astro-Map Reading from Thomas
Natal Birth Information and Questions for Thomas about your Astro-Maps for your video reading
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Email *
Please list your name *
What is the EXACT Day, Year and Time of Birth 
(Use March 4, 1974 at 3:10 pm format please)
What is the City/State & Country of birth if outside US)? *
Where are you living now so we can consider what lines might be near you?  *
List all questions about what you want or need from the maps reading. This can include places to move, visit, where the best energy is for whatever you are looking for specifically (love, relationship, work, personal growth, etc) *
Are there specific cities or countries you want to me to focus on if any lines go through there?  *
Any other information you want me to know or things you'd like addressed? 
Before we leave, please type your birth information again. Why? Because a large number of people have typos in their birth info. If there is a typo, the video will be based on the wrong information and will not be re-done! Thanks for understanding. 

Date - Year - Time - City - State
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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