Join the ENIGMA CNV working group
Hello potential ENIGMA-CNV working group members!

We greatly value your participation. Please tell us a bit about your cohort so we can better help assist you as you work through the processing and analysis protocols.

Unfortunately, we do not receive an automatic notification when people fill the form out, so please send a separate e-mail to: after filling out the form.

Thank you and best wishes
The ENIGMA-CNV  team
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PI-name *
PI email address *
Cohort name *
Names and emails of other key personnel in group
Preferably the people who should be on the e-mail list of the ENIGMA CNV subgroup
Number of participants with GWAS and MRI *
Participants *
If your data includes patients, what type and how many?
(for example: 80/150 scans are of bipolar patients)
Do you have related individuals in your dataset? *
(siblings, twins, parents, etc)
Participant age range *
Mean age *
Ethnicity of cohort *
please let us know the ethnicity of your cohort (if multiple ethnic groups are represented, please list them all)
Chip used for genotyping *
(i.e. Affy_6.0, IlluminaOmniExpressv1, Illumina HumanExome Beadchipv1.1)
CNVs called on dataset? *
Program used for CNV calling *
Data sharing *
Information on Imaging
Field strength *
Vendor *
 T1w data available? *
How many T1w data with genotype-data is available? *
DTI data available? *
How many DTI data with genotype-data available? *
Which of the following ENIGMA protocols have you completed? *
Are you able/willing to share MRI phenotypes for mega-analysis? *
Our group is able to share: *
When sharing data, the data: *
Is the above data sharing covered by our present ethical approval? *
Comments for data sharing
How was your data ascertained? *
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