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Complete this form and I'll work with you to build you a free financial plan.

Please don't let this form frustrate you. It might look long. But, it shouldn't take you more than 20 minutes to complete

The key is to be honest with your answers so that I can establish a plan for you and help you accomplish your goals. Remember, it's hard to design a plan for you if I don't know where you spend your family. Don't worry, this is a judgement free zone.

Don't worry about exact numbers. Simply answer each question with your best estimate. For example, don't bother pulling up your bank accounts to get your cash-on-hand down to the penny. In most cases you can enter a 0 if a question does not pertain to you.

Any question with an * requires an answer. Which is most of them. 

Once you have completed this form, I will reach out to you to set up a time to review everything. 
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