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Inclusion and Support Training for Current and Future ESC Volunteers
The event organized by TREX-EVS 🦖 NGO as a motivational and inclusive event tailored for young people with a high motivation to volunteer and to achieve self-improvement.

Participants will have a chance for one day to raise their capacities on following:

▪️Inter-Cultural Learning;
▪️21st Century Competences;
▪️International Volunteering;
▪️Non-Formal Education.

Date: 24.06.2022
Timeline: 10:00-18:00
Languages: English & Turkish
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Phone number *
Age *
Gender *
Have you ever participated in Erasmus+ program? *
Have you ever participated in European Solidarity Corps (ESC) volunteering projects? *
What is your expectation from this event?
I confirm to attend the full program. *
I confirm my personal data to be shared with TREX-EVS. *
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