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Course Proposal
Thank you for your interest in teaching a course for the Home to Her Academy! If you have a compelling course idea related to the Sacred Feminine, we want to hear about it. Please complete the following form, and if your course feels in alignment with our school values, vision and upcoming schedule, we'll be in touch to discuss next steps.  
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Email *
Name and pronouns *
Email address  *
Proposed course title *
Please provide a paragraph or two describing your course, including proposed learned goals for your participants. *
Please provide an outline of course modules. *
What historical/mythological/iconographical evidence will be included in your course? (looking for a brief overview here) *
How do you plan to help participants engage with course materials from an intuitive and embodied perspective (i.e., breath work, meditation, movement, etc.)? *
Recognizing that discussion of the Sacred Feminine can not exist in a vacuum, how will you acknowledge and address any intersecting issues such as racism, colonialism, homophobia and transphobia? *
How do you envision course participants applying these lessons in their daily lives? *
Please provide your bio and any specific relevant qualifications you'd like us to know about.  *
Have you taught online before? If so, please describe, including number of participants.  *
Optional: Please include any available public speaking or teaching links here.
Tell us about your existing audience - demographics, size, etc. *
Please provide your existing social media channels, including links and audience size.  *
Do you have an email distribution list? Frequency? Size? *
Do you have any close partners who can help us publicize your course?  *
Anything else you'd like us to know? 
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