SW1 Practice 1
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Complete each sentence with a suitable addition word from the box below. Try to use each transition once.
in addition
1. There are three reasons why top athletes make so much money. For one thing, they receive big salaries just for playing their sport. Second., they earn huge fees for personal appearances. __________, they make even more money by endorsing products.
2. Desert plants such as cactus store up water so they can survive long periods without rain. Desert animals __________ find a way to survive with little water.
3. Paper and plastics are two products that many communities ask people to recycle. __________ is used motor oil.
4. Bats are gentle creatures that will bite another animal only in self-defense. __________, a single bat can eat more than 1,200 mosquitoes an hour.
5. Many couples today are busier than ever. First of all, they must raise their own children. Their __________ responsibility is to care for aging parents.
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