iDEA Conference 2016 Student Sponsorship Application
If you are a student who is looking to register for iDEA16 or has already registered, and is in financial need, please fill out this application to be considered for free conference registration. Some of our doctor members have gracious contributed funds to allow some financially struggling students the opportunity to attend iDEA16. Students who wish to be sponsored must fill out this application to be considered for sponsorship. This application will close on March 31st 2016 at noon. You will be expected to email proof of financial need (ie. copy of bank loan status, bank statement) to in order to be considered.
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First Name *
Last Name *
E-mail Address *
Please choose the e-mail address you frequently check.
What university do you attend? *
Are you a DEA member? * (Membership is $10 for students)
Have you already registered for the conference? *
Why do you want to attend iDEA16 Conference? *
How will you take your experience from iDEA16 and give back to the organization and/or your university/community? *
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