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Volunteer - Shakespeare in the Cannery
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Full Name *
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Phone Number *
Volunteer Interest *
The show runs July 13th - August 5th on Fridays, Saturdays, and Sundays, with a special preview on Thursday, July 12th.  Gates open at 5pm and the show starts at 7pm.  We will need help setting up, operating, and breaking down each night.  Please indicate below which days you might be available to help.  If you'd like to assist with pre-production, promotion, or if you are uncertain when you'll be available, please check the appropriate boxes.  Thank you for your interest in helping to make Shakespeare in the Cannery possible!

(It is not required to indicate "Not Available" if you are not available for a certain date).
How can you help? *
Thursday, July 12th - Preview Show
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Friday, July 13th - Opening Night
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Saturday, July 14th
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Sunday, July 15th
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Friday, July 20th
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Saturday, July 21st
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Sunday, July 22nd
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Friday, July 27th
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Saturday, July 28th
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Sunday, July 29th
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Friday, August 3rd
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Saturday, August 4th
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Sunday, August 5th - Closing Night
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Volunteer Experience - Please provide a brief history of your experience as a Volunteer.  Please also include any special skills, areas of interest, or limitations you have. *
Thank You!
Someone will contact you soon about how to get started.  Thanks again for helping to make this community arts project a reality!
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