Ambassador Stories Services Form
This form will assist us in getting started.
Email *
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Your Name *
Your answer
Your Email *
Your answer
Your Phone Number *
Your answer
How would you like to be contacted? *
What services are you interested in? *
Project Title *
Your answer
What is your top priority? *
What is your budget? *
What are your goals in creating this video?
Your answer
Who is your target audience? *
Your answer
What do you want your audience to feel? *
Your answer
Describe some of the content you imagine in your video. (images, music, key interviews, graphics, animations, titles, sequences)
Your answer
How long do you expect your video to be? How does the video length serve its purpose?
Your answer
Are there any branding considerations? (logos, colors, fonts etc.)
Your answer
Expected shoot dates? (rough estimate)
Your answer
Expected date of the deliverable?
Share some links that might inspire your piece or serve as good guidelines for what you are trying to accomplish.(copy/paste URLs below)
Your answer
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