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[College of Computing and Informatics] Application for a mentoring program
[College of Computing and Informatics]

To help freshman foreign students studying in the College of Computing and Informatics, a mentoring program is implemented.

It is a program targeting foreign undergraduate students who have trouble studying or Univ life etc..

We will connect foreign students with difficulties in Univ or in their studies to help them learn from the foreign students.

- Application Period: March 23(Wed) ~ 29(Tue)
- Number of people selected: Around 15

[Contact] Department of Computer Science and Engineering office

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Name *
Student ID (ex. 2022310001) *
Cell Phone number in Korea (ex. 010-xxxx-xxxx) *
Email address *
Write the subject name you want to be helped from mentors (maximum 3 subject) *
Other difficulties *
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