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Classpace: Market Research (Academic Classes)
Hello! We are building a classes app for academic tutors and teachers. 

We want to build an integrated solution for you, to help you list your classes and services, track your progress and scale your enterprise over time. 

Since you are our target audience, we'd love to know your thoughts on this idea! 
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Please enter your email. *
Please enter your contact number. *
Please select the option which best describes your class frequency. *
Each 'class' is one session.
Are your classes in-person or virtual? *
How many people show up (on average) per class? *
How do you charge your members?
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Would you be open to using an app for listing, marketing and managing your classes? *
Would you prefer to manage your classes on a laptop or phone? *
On an app for your class, which of these features would you like to see? Please tick all that apply. *
What info would you want from your members (when they join)? *
What info do you want to provide us about your class? Please tick all that apply. *
Would you be willing to pay a small monthly subscription fee in exchange for these services? *
Do you think this will work? Any insight will be appreciated regarding online class bookings, and what you need as an organizer.
Thank you so much for your time. Can we contact you about this in the future? (To onboard you on our app, as an early access customer) *
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