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Patton Parent Volunteer Form 2017-2018
Volunteering is one of the best ways to get involved in the Patton community. Please sign up for as MANY of the wonderful opportunities listed below as you wish. The chairperson for each event or committee with contact you before the event or first committee meeting to confirm your ability to participate and provide additional details.  Thank you for offering your time!
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Grade level(s) of child or children in 2017-2018
Phone number:
One-Time Event Volunteer Opportunities
These events generally require an hour or less of your time, and may include food/drink ticket sales, food distribution, assistance keeping kids orderly, etc.
Pumpkin Patch
  After school event on a Friday in October. Opportunties to help include unloading pumpkins, baking, cashier, set up or clean up.
 Fall Book Fair
One day event held during Fall conferences.  Opportunities to help include set up, cashier, or take down.
 Spring Book Fair
After school event held in May during Ice Cream Social. Opportunities include set up, cashier, or take down.
Back to School Bash
Friday evening family event in September.  Volunteers are needed the day of the event, and bakers needed to prepare goodies to sell.
Bingo Night
Student Photo Assistant
Assist photographer in lining up children for 1-2 hours
Hearing and Vision Screening
Assist Patton nurse in organizing students for screenings during a one day morning or afternoon shift in February
Holiday Shop
Friday evening family event in December.  Opportunities include cashier, elf,  gift wrapper, set up or clean up
Mini Courses
Series of one time classes offered after school during winter months
Roller Skating Party
Family event in January. Volunteers collect and box canned food donations.
Pool Party
Pool Party will be held at Olympic on a Friday night in April.    
Early Childhood
Ice Cream Social
Friday evening family event in May.  Volunteers needed for ticket sales and food tables.
Spirit Day Volunteer
Week day morning event in June.  Lead classes in races and outdoor games.
Monthly/Quarterly Volunteer Opportunities
These are more time intensive options, but are extremely valuable to the Patton community.  
Class Room Representative
Two per class;  plan class Halloween & Valentine parties
New Family Mentor
Seasoned Patton families are paired up with new incoming Patton families as a resource.  Mentors will contact the family at the beginning of the school year and be available to answer questions to welcome them to our community.
Weekly/ Bi-Weekly Volunteer Opportunities
LMC/Library Volunteer
Assist in the LMC for a half day during your child's LMC time (Can be weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly, depending on your schedule)
Traffic Team - Parent Traffic Safety Volunteers
Assist with traffic flow and children safely exiting and entering cars during drop-off (8:45-9:05 a.m.) and/or pick-up (3:20-3:45 p.m.) Volunteer time based on your availability
These positions may be seasonal (i.e., Calendar is done in the Spring and distributed in the Fall), or may span the entire year with periodic meetings and responsibilities (Traffic Team has daily openings).
Cultural Arts
Help select and schedule the cultural arts programs that come to Patton. Provide an introduction on the day of the performance, with the help of Patton principal.
Plan and serve refreshments for PTA meetings and dinner for Patton staff during conferences. Coordinate activities for Staff Appreciation Week in May.
Holiday Shop
Assist in the organization and general running of this December event.
Mini Courses
Organzie and help implement the one-time after school classes for Patton students during the winter months.
Reading Enrichment
Sponsor reading programs and activites to encourage reading at Patton.
School Board Rep/Legislation
Attend District 25 School Board meetings and report to Patton PTA. Monitor and report to Patton PTA on legistlative issues with PTA involvement.
Assist in the planning of the Patton School Yearbook. Help take pictures at special events happening at school and/or assist in the preparation and distribution of yearbooks at the end of the school year.
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