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COVID-19 impact on organizations
Please take a moment to look back at the last 2 years and see how your daily life was impacted by COVID-19 outbreak. It will help us create a better way to support you and NGOs in future.

Thanks in advance!
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Email *
Where do you live?
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What is your organization's predominant target groups? *
What is your organization's predominant activities? *
How many paid workers are there in your organization? *
How many volunteers are there in your organization? *
Did your NGO/CSO suspend any activities due to the coronavirus emergency? *
If yes, describe which ones. *
Indicate how COVID impacted the following areas: (1 - not at all, 5 - very much) *
Institutional activities
Employee management
Volunteer management
Administrative sector
Communication Department
Marketing department
Did your NGO's revenue decrease during the pandemic? *
What are the main causes of financial changes your ngo is experiencing? *
What solutions and tools is your NGO adopting to limit the financial impact of the emergency? *
What expenses or investments will your NGO be facing? *
Are jobs in your NGO at risk after the pandemic? *
Is your ngo changing any activities? *
Is your NGO able to conduct a part of activities digitally? *
Comments, recommendations...
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