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Capitola Residential Information Sheet
Please answer all the questions below. The answers provided are for office use only and will not be shared. This is an initial prescreen. We reserve the right to ask for a background check and credit report. 
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Email *
Full legal name *
Phone Number *
Email Address *
Current Physical Address *
Do you currently rent or own your home? *
If you chose "other" please explain:
Current Employment: Please include your current employer's name, phone number and address for verification purposes.  If you feel additional information from other employers is needed, please provide. *
Monthly Gross Income *
Do you have pets? If so, list how many, type and weight?  If you own dogs and cats, are they on a current flea and tick program? *
List legal name, age and relationship for anyone that would reside in the apartment. (Include self) *
Reference #1
( Please provide name, phone number, email address and relation)
Reference #2
( Please provide name, phone number, email address and relation)
Why do you want to live in Downtown Marshall?  *
How did you learn about Capitola Mill?  Do you know or are friends with other current Capitola Mill residents?
Are you a current or former member of the United States Military?  Please explain
Are you an artist, musician, or creative person?  Please explain.
Have you served on any non-profit or government boards?
Is there anything else we need to be aware of when processing your application?  *
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