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ApprenticeShip 2020 Application
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Email *
Your Name *
Your Email *
Your Age *
Country of Origin *
Which languages do you speak? *
Have you stayed at InanItah before and if so when?
Which Apprenticeship are you Interested in ? *
What Calls you and Why ? What draws you here ? *
What are you interested in learning ? What makes you thrive ? *
What's your Education & Experience ? *
What are your personal strengths and challenges? *
What is your level of overall health and physical fitness? *
What is your relationship to alcohol, tobacco, and other mind altering substances? *
How do you choose to take care of your body, your mind and your soul? *
Do you follow a specific diet and/or have diet restrictions? *
How did you hear about us? *
Do you have specific questions about the Apprenticeship program ?
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