Career Application
To be a SD Team Member, you have a responsibility to deliver exceptional customer service while providing the full range of hair care services. Primarily perform hair care treatments, cutting and styling, though they may perform other beauty services for clients. All states require licensure for stylists, and most require graduation from a formal training program at a state-approved beauty or cosmetology school.
Email *
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Full Name *
Your answer
Street Address *
Your answer
City *
Your answer
Zip Code *
Your answer
State *
Best Phone Number *
Your answer
Last 4 of Social Security Number *
Your answer
Driver License or ID Number *
Your answer
Cosmetology License Number *
Your answer
Cosmetology License Number Expiration Date *
How did you hear about the opening? *
Are you a U.S. citizen or other wise authorized to work in the U.S. on an unrestricted basis? *
Have you been convicted of a felony? *
When are you available to start? *
What position were you apply for today? *
Email *
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High School *
Your answer
Year of Graduation *
Your answer
College *
Your answer
Year of Graduation *
Your answer
Your answer
Year of Graduation
Your answer
Email *
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Experience & Skills
Experience or Advance Training Certifications 1 (optional)
Your answer
Experience or Advance Training Certifications 2 (optional)
Your answer
Experience or Advance Training Certifications 3 (optional)
Your answer
How much are you currently charge for SHAMPOO STYLE?: *
Your answer
How much are you currently charge for HAIR COLOR? *
Your answer
How much are you currently charge for HAIR CUTS? *
Your answer
Do you have any Sales Experience? *
Email *
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I am available to work. *
Have you notified current employer?: *
Name of Employer 1: *
Your answer
Date of employment (Start Date) *
Are you currently employed there? *
If not, your reasoning for leaving. (Explain or N/A) *
Your answer
Explain your Job tile & duties:
Your answer
Name of Employer 2: *
Your answer
Date of employment (Start Date) *
Are you currently employed there? *
If not, your reasoning for leaving. (Explain or N/A) *
Your answer
Explain your Job tile & duties: *
Your answer
Email *
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(Please list two references OTHER THAN relatives or previous employers)
Reference 1 Name & Relationship *
Your answer
Reference 1 Phone Number *
Your answer
Reference 2 Name & Relationship *
Your answer
Reference 2 Phone Number *
Your answer
Email *
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Career Goals
Give us a brief description of your short-term career goals: ( 1 to 3 years) *
Your answer
Give us a brief description of your long-term career goals: ( 5 years or more) *
Your answer
Closing Disclaimer
I here by certify that the information contained in this application is true and correct to the
best of my knowledge and agree to have any statements verified by Stella’s Daughter Salon and Wellness Center, LLC. (hereinafter “the Salon”). I authorize the references listed above, as well as all other individuals whom the Salon contacts, to provide the Salon with all employment and job-related information they may have.

I also understand that all offers of employment are conditioned on the Salon's receipt
of satisfactory responses to reference requests and the completion of any other background check the Salon may require, as well as satisfactory proof of my identity and legal authority to perform the duties I’m assigned by the Salon in accordance with all applicable federal, state and local governmental laws and regulations.
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