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Composting Data Collection, Innermost Gardens
This survey helps us understand how our compost drop-off is being used.
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How did you travel to Innermost?
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How far did you travel (in kilometers) to drop off your compost at Innermost?
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When dropping compost at Innermost do you (check all that apply):
How long does it take you to reach Innermost and drop off your compost?
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How much compost do you typically drop off (in litres)?
For reference, 2 litres is a short Tip Top ice cream container and 10 litres is a standard sized paint bucket.
How often do you typically drop off compost at Innermost?
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What motivates you to drop off your compost at Innermost (check all that apply)?
Has dropping off your compost led you to become involved in other activities at Innermost Gardens? If yes, please check all boxes that apply.
Innermost Gardens is run entirely by volunteers.  Would you like to be involved in supporting this effort? If yes, please put in your email below. If no, please leave blank.
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