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Great Start Cass Family Coalition Interest Form
The Cass Great Start Collaborative (GSC) and the Great Start Family Coalition with the community work together to build and reform the local early childhood system to achieve better outcomes for young children and their families.  
The four state identified early childhood outcomes:

1. Children are born healthy.
2. Children are healthy, thriving and developmentally on track from birth to third grade.
3. Children are developmentally ready to succeed in school at time of school entry.
4. Children are prepared to succeed in fourth grade and beyond by reading proficiently by the end of third grade.

The Great Start Family Coalitions (GSFC), through their membership, work together with the Great Start Collaboratives (GSC) to bring about the changes necessary at the community, county and state level to achieve these outcomes for all children living in Cass County.

The purpose of the local Great Start Family Coalitions (GSFC) is as follows:

1. Provide a “customer” perspective for the Great Start Collaborative.
2. Educate community members about the importance of early childhood.
3. Support the Great Start Collaborative’s work toward achieving Michigan’s early childhood outcomes.
4. Provide information, education and resources to parents raising young children.

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First Name *
Last Name *
Email *
City you reside in *
Age of Child or Children *
What is your relationship to the child/children you care for?
Do you have a child with special needs or a disability?
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How would you like to be involved in the Parent Coalition? Examples: Engage other parents, Join the Great Start Collaborative, Volunteer at an event, Get parenting tips and information on child development, lead a topic of conversation.  *
How did you hear about the Parent Coalition? *
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