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Good Food Pledge
The Good Food Program is a project of the Squamish Food Policy Council and a strategic priority of the Squamish Valley Agriculture Plan. The program aims to shift the buying power of the food industry in the Sea to Sky Region towards procuring more local food based on Good Food Values. We want to celebrate the abundance of food grown and eaten in the Sea to Sky corridor and find ways to bring more local food onto the table, because frankly, it tastes so much better.

By pledging your support of Good Food Values (below) you will automatically be added to the Sea to Sky Good Food Network email list, where you will be kept informed about upcoming events, workshops, and resources to support your business or institutions journey to Good Food. The Pledge is a gesture of making a commitment to learn more about how your food operation can take steps increasing its local food purchasing. There are no strings attached, just tastier food.

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We pledge our support of the following Good Food Values in the Sea to Sky region
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Good Food Value: Local Economies and Communities. *
Definition: To prioritize purchasing food produced at small and medium scale farms in the order of 1) Squamish-Lillooet Regional District 2) Lower Mainland and Thompson-Nicola Region 3) British Columbia wide. To respectfully purchase from Indigenous Harvesters, Fishers, and Hunters.
Good Food Value: Environmental Sustainability and Stewardship of Natural Resources. *
Definition: To source from producers that employ sustainable production systems using principles of organic and regenerative growing.
Good Food Value: Nutrition *
Definition: To promote health and well-being by serving generous portions of vegetables and fruit, choosing whole grains, and sustainably-sourced proteins. To offer culturally diverse food options when possible.
Good Food Value: Valued Workforces *
 Definition:To fairly compensate workers with a living wage and increasing Fair Food purchases.
Good Food Value: Animal Welfare *
 Definition: To source from farms that provide healthy and humane care for livestock.
Furthermore, we pledge to work towards implementing the following commitments in support of Good Food procurement practices: *
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