I understand that the BodyTalk session provided by Certified BodyTalk Practitioner is intended to enhance relaxation, increase communication within areas of the body, and to educate me to possible energetic or emotional blocks that may create pain and disease. BodyTalk is non-invasive, safe and objective. It utilises the body's own innate intelligence to re-establish communication within itself.
I understand that BodyTalk is not a substitute for medical treatments or medications. I am aware that the BodyTalk Practitioner does not diagnose illness or disease nor does the Practitioner prescribe medications.
I understand that participation in a BodyTalk session is voluntary and that at all times I may choose to end my participation.
I agree to pay the amount quoted for the session or session package. Payment is due at time of service. Since time has been especially reserved for me, I understand that a 48 hour cancellation is required to avoid charges for my scheduled session. Cancellations within the full 48 hour period will incur a $40 fee, cancellation within 24 hours requires payment in full and your session will be done remotely via distance.
Packages of 3 sessions are valid for 6 months, packages of 6 are valid for 12 months, packages of 10 are valid for 18 months.
If I have any questions or concerns, I will address these promptly with the BodyTalk Practitioner.
By filling out the form below, you agree to the above.