Summer Blogger Promo Tour '15 Signups!
Welcome to the 2015 Summer Blogger Promo Tour! We're looking for *at least* 40 dedicated bloggers (if not more - the more, the merrier!) to spend the summer meeting new blogs and spotlighting them on their own blogs! If you are unsure what the Summer Blogger Promo Tour is, please check out the information post at this link: Thank you and we can't wait to see you on our 2015 tour!
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Your Name *
Your Blog's Name *
Your Blog's URL *
E-Mail Address *
Are you able to put up a tour post on your blog every Sunday during July & August 2015? *
Your post each Sunday does NOT have to be the top post of the day.
By signing up for the Summer Blogger Promo Tour of 2015 you agree to be a proactive member of the tour and agree that you will not neglect your responsibilities of your post each Sunday. (All of the other bloggers will be doing their job to promote your blog, so in turn, we ask that everyone please promises that they will do their part as well. (-: )
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