Pre-register for Northeastern Birthright! Summer 2015
By signing up here, you aren't committing to the trip, you are simply putting yourself on an interest list. As registration gets closer, you will receive detailed information about how to sign up for a chance to get on our Summer 2015 trips! The trip will be 10 days, and it is completely FREE!

Mark these dates on your calendar NOW for our Summer 2015 trip:

--General registration for Taglit-Birthright Israel opens Tuesday, FEBRUARY 3rd at 10 AM!
--Priority registration (for those on the wait-list from a previous season) is Monday, FEBRUARY 2nd at 12 pm!

--Birthright Information Session: 2/4 @6 pm - Hillel 70 Saint Stephen Street
We will overview the trip, have a Q&A session and eat FREE FOOD!  Don't forget your laptop!

For more information, please visit or e-mail

*The program is open to any Jewish person between the ages of 18-26 who has not been to Israel on a peer-group trip after the age of 18 and who has not lived in Israel past the age of 12*
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This will only be used for text messaging you before and during registration with important information.
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