Mentor Sign-Up
We're looking for volunteer mentors for our introductory open source event taking place Saturday, November 15th at Swarthmore College.  Please fill out the form below, and we'll get back to you very soon.
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What's your name? *
What's your email address? *
What part of the event can you volunteer for? *
Please rate your familiarity/comfort with the following topics. *
(It's totally okay if you're not familiar with some of them!)
Never heard of it 
Familiar with it, but haven't used it much
I understand the basics 
I'm pretty comfortable with this
I'm very comfortable with this
Issue trackers/bug trackers
The general open source community
Any food allergies, transportation or accessibility requirements, or other needs we should know about?
Are there any projects or topics you would especially like to work with attendees on?
For instance, you may want to help students contribute to a project you contribute to, or teach students about a particular topic of interest to you like Open GIS or open science.
Would you be willing to talk to students about open source careers?
If so, please list some of your experiences, as an intern or a professional, doing financially supported work on open source.
OpenHatch will be providing *optional* training for how to present our curriculum via IRC and hangout.
If yes, please indicate here as well as filling out this form:
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