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Parental Survey Hasmonean High School for Girls
If you have more than one child and their experiences do not match, please fill out a form for each. The year group is requested at the end
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1 My child is happy to come to school *
2 My child feels safe at school *
3 My child has been bullied at school *
4 The school deals effectively with bullying when it occurs *
5 My child knows who to speak to if she has a problem *
6 The school responds effectively if I have a safeguarding or pastoral concern *
7 Overall the teaching is of a high standard *
8 My child is making good progress *
9 The school responds effectively if I raise a concern about my daughter's progress *
10 The amount of homework set is: *
11 My child's homework is relevant and useful   *
12 I am satisfied with the co-curricular provision
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13 The system of rewards and sanctions is appropriate *
14 The school successfully prepares my child for life in modern Britain *
15 My child has been taught how to keep safe, including online *
If you would like to expand on any of your answers, please do so here
Which year(s) do you have children in the school? *
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