Application for UN 2014 Climate Summit Civil Society Selection & Drafting Committee
DEADLINE for submission of application to UN Non-Governmental Liaison Service (UN-NGLS) through this form:
8 AUGUST 2014

1) Please review the Terms of Reference (TORs) for participation in the Civil Society Selection and Drafting Committee (SDC) for the UN Secretary-General's 2014 Climate Summit:

2) Please ensure you meet all of the following criteria for participation in the SDC:

a) You work or volunteer for a civil society organization.
b) You are officially authorized by the organization/network that you work or volunteer for to represent that organization/network.
c) You are able and available to comply with all of the TORs for the Selection and Drafting Committee.
d) You have excellent competency with climate change issues, extensive experience with presenting climate change issues in international fora, and demonstrated ability to engage constructively with a variety of stakeholders.

3) If you are interested in applying to be a member of the SDC, and meet all criteria above, please complete all fields below in this online form.
Please note: Members of the SDC cannot be considered for the civil society speaker or attendance roles in the Climate Summit.

In collaboration with interested UN system civil society focal points, UN-NGLS will review all applications and select a group of no more than 16 members for the SDC, seeking participation of one representative for each of 8 UNFCCC NGO constituencies,* plus 8 additional stakeholders, ensuring regional, gender and age balance, and a diversity of expertise.

*The 8 UNFCCC NGO constituencies are:
1. Environmental non-governmental organizations (ENGO)
2. Farmers non-governmental organizations (Farmers)
3. Indigenous peoples organizations (IPO)
4. Local government and municipal authorities (LGMA)
5. Research and independent non-governmental organizations (RINGO)
6. Trade unions non-governmental organizations (TUNGO)
7. Women and gender non-governmental organizations (Women and Gender)
8. Youth non-governmental organizations (YOUNGO)

(Business and Industry is not included because such private sector participation in the Climate Summit is managed by the UN Global Compact and the Secretary-General's Climate Change Support Team.)

We look forward to receiving your application.
Best regards,
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Full legal name *
Civil Society Organization you work or volunteer for *
Organization's website
Your Nationality *
Does your organization participate in a UNFCCC NGO constituency group? If so, which one? *
Country of Residence *
Gender *
Age *
Which languages can you speak fluently? *
Email address *
Phone # *
Skype ID *
Mission Statement of your organization *
Please write approximately 100 words
Do you meet all criteria for participation in the Selection and Drafting Committee, and agree to deliver on all TORs if selected? *
Why do you want to be a member of this Selection and Drafting Committee? *
Please write approximately 250 words (Limit is 1000 characters)
Please describe your prior experience with participating in selection and/or collaborative decision-making processes *
Please write approximately 250 words (Limit is 1000 characters)
Please describe your prior experience with collaborative drafting of texts, and the values and practices you apply during such work *
Please write approximately 250 words (Limit is 1000 characters)
Please provide a brief biography, including information about areas of expertise *
Please write approximately 250 words (Limit is 1000 characters)
Links to writing samples *
To create a link to a file, you can upload it to Google Drive at - Then with your file open in Google Drive, in the top menu click File then Share, and copy paste the link provided by Google. Overall limit for this field is 1000 characters.
Link to CV *
To create a link to a file, you can upload it to Google Drive at - Then with your file open in Google Drive, in the top menu click File then Share, and copy paste the link provided by Google.
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