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Lavender Blue Floral /Silks custom orders 
Please fill out the form below as completely as possible, and we will be in touch with you soon to confirm the order  or set up a phone consult if needed. For current available designs, go to :
Email *
What is your Budget for this project? Request a phone call and number for us if you are not sure and we can help  *
When does the order need to be completed? Include if completion date is same as delivery date *
Will this design be for local pick up/delivery or shipped to someone? *
Tell us about your Design Preferences /first choice style and colors  
Is this design to be made in a container you already own? You will need to deliver to studio at assigned time  *
Any specific colors or pattern types we need to avoid?
How will you receive the finished design? *
What is your Preferred Payment method? *
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