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BRAND TOOT marketing brief
We invite you to answer a series of questions that will help us understand the goals, expectations and context of your project. They are designed to gather comprehensive information that will allow us to create a quote for activities and an effective and targeted advertising campaign tailored to your needs and expectations. If you do not know the appropriate answer to a given question or believe that it is not relevant to your plans - please leave it blank. 
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What is the name of your company and what do you do? *
Who is the target recipient of your product/service?
Do you already have a defined visual identity (logo, corporate colors, typography)?
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What is the main goal of your advertising campaign?
Are there any specific quantitative goals you would like to achieve (e.g., increase in sales, increase in website traffic )?
What are your expectations towards the creativity of the campaign?
What is the estimated budget for the campaign execution?
By when should the campaign be realized? Are there any key dates or periods that need to be considered?
Who is your main competitor in the market?
How does your product/service differ from the competition's offer?
What values does your brand represent?
What are the key advantages you would like to communicate in the campaign?
Are there any promotional materials already available that we could use  (e.g., product photos, videos)?
Through which channels would you like to communicate the campaign (e.g., social media, television, outdoor)?
What tools/metrics do you plan to use to measure the success of the campaign?

Please leave an email and/or phone number for the person in charge of the campaign.

Thank you for considering cooperation with BRAND TOOT, we will get in touch soon to discuss the details!
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