Life Extension - Virtual Reality Survey
Hi and welcome to Life Extension Virtual Reality Survey. Please answer all the questions below and add your personal notes if needed, this document will be useful to developers and will help them to create the best virtual experiences.
How old are you? *
How many hours do you spend playing videogames? *
Have you ever suffered of (select one or more): *
Do you own a virtual reality headset? *
What is your computer operating system? *
What is your mobile operating system? *
Which platform would you prefer for virtual reality experiences? *
Which kind of experience would you like to live? *
Select one or more experiences you would like to try: *
Which position would you prefer while living virtual experiences: *
How much would you pay for a Virtual Reality Experience Service: *
Rate Life Extension idea from 1 (very bad) to 10 (awesome): *
Describe the experience that you would like to live with Life Extension
Personal notes
Suggestions about Life Extension?
Thank you! This will help the development of Life Extension.
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