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Friendly Fire Application
The Religious Society of Friends was founded by those awakened to the apocalyptic vision of early Christians. They, like Christ's first disciples, knew this world was coming to an end and were ready to welcome and build the kin-dom of God. We too are ready to welcome and build the kin-dom of God. We are witnessing Empire crumble before our eyes, and we are ready to build a new world on the ashes of the old.

This May we are gathering outside of Philadelphia as a body to invite the Spirit into our lives and ministries. We see this time together as a space to experience the presence of the living God, to fellowship with other comrades in the Light, and to nurture the seeds of spiritual revival and political revolution among us, believing these two things ought to go hand in hand.

Our time together will be led by the Spirit. We will be in the streets for International Workers Day but much of our time will be spent in prayer, worship, and teaching and nourishing one another in revolutionary Kin-dom praxis.

We are unafraid of naming capitalism and the state as demonic systems, and white supremacy as the United States' foundational sin. Legislation and reformism won't save us. We believe to revolt is to love God and God's children.

This work is not limited to Quakers or even Christians, we invite mystics and people of faith from all traditions who share our struggle “against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world.” (Ephesians 6:12)

Join us for the Friendly Fire May Day retreat.

The suggested contribution for attending is $45-95. Please apply regardless of ability to pay, we will have scholarships available.  

Comrades in the Light, unite!

If you feel more comfortable sending your answers directly to our email:


We need applications in as soon as possible, so we can arrange accommodations accordingly and distribute the scholarships!
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Where are you coming from and what makes you want to attend the retreat?
Name and pronouns
How do you identify politically? Any specific tendency?
How do you identify, religiously/spiritually?
How does your faith and spiritual practice interact with your political convictions/praxis?
How does intersectionality inform your organizing?
Are you a member of any marginalized communities? Name any identities you feel like sharing.
What is the world you're fighting for?
What gifts/skills/charisms do you have to offer to the retreat?
All cops are...?
Is there anything we can do to ensure accessibility for you?
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